The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.

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The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues.
Prynted at L[ondo]n :: by [Thomas] Petyt, and [Robert] Redman, for Thomas Berthelet: prynter vnto the kyngis grace. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum,

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"The Byble in Englyshe that is to saye, the content of all the holye scrypture, bothe of the olde and newe Testament, truly translated after the veryte of the Hebrue and Greke textes, by the diligent studye of dyuers excellent lerned [men e]xperte in the fore[saide] tongues." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


¶ He for byddeth to haue any respect of persones, and not to boast of fayth where no dedes are.


MY brethren, esteme not the fayth of our [unspec A] Lorde Iesus Christ the Lorde of glory * 1.1 with respecte of persons. For if ther come into youre company a man wearinge a gol∣den rynge, clothed in goodly aparell, and ther come in also a poore mā in vyle raymēt, and ye haue a respecte to him that weareth the gaye clothyng, & saye vnto hym: Syt yu here in a good place: & saye vnto the poore: stande thou there, or syt here vnder my ote stole: are ye not parcyal in youre selues, and haue iudged after euyll thoughtes?

Harken my deare beloued brethren Hath not God chosen y poore of this worlde, such as are ryche in sayth, & heyres of the kyng∣dome, which he promysed to them that loue hyme But ye haue despysed the poore. Do [unspec B] not ryche men execute ••••rannye vpon you, & drawe you before the iudgemēt seates? Do not they speake euell of y good name which is called vpon ouer you?

If ye fulfyll the royall lawe, accordyng to the scripture. * 1.2 Thou shalt loue thyne neyghboure as thy selfe, ye do well. But yt ye regarde one person more then another, ye commyt synne, & are rebuked of the lawe, as transgressours. Whosoeuer shall kepe the whole lawe, & * 1.3 yet fayle in one poynte, he [unspec C] is gyltie of al. For he that sayd: Thou shalt not cmyt adulterye, sayde also: thou shalt not kyll. Though thou do none adulterye, yet yf thou kyll, yu art become a transgressor of the lawe. So speake ye, and so do, as they that shalbe iudged by the lawe of lybertye. For he shall haue iudgement without mer∣cy * 1.4 that sheweth no mercy: & mercy reioy∣seth agaynste iudgement. ⊢

What auayleth it my brethren, though a mā saye he hath ayth, yf he hathe no dedes? Can sayth saue him? If a brother or a syster be naked & destitute of dayly ode, & one of you saye vnto thē: depart in peace▪ God sede

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you warmnes & fode, notwithstandynge ye geue thē not those thynges whiche are ned∣full to the body, what shal it helpe? Euen so fayth, yf it haue no dedes: is deed in it selfe:

But some mā wyll saye: yu hast fayth, & I haue dedes: shewe me thy fayth by thy de∣des: & I wyl shewe y my fayth by my dedes. Beleuest yu that ther is one god? Thou doest [unspec D] well. The deuyls also beleue, and tremble.

But wylt thou vnderstande(. O thou vayne mā) that fayth without dedes is deed? Was not Abraham oure father iustifyed thorow workes, when he had * 1.5 offred Isaac his sonne vpon the aulter? Thou seest, howe that fayth wrought with hys dedes, and thorugh the dedes, was the fayth made par∣fecte, and the scripture was fulfylled, which sayth: * 1.6 Abraham beleued God, and it was reputed vnto hym for ryghtewesnes: and he was called the frende of God. ✚ Ye se then howe that of dedes a man is iustifyed, and not of fayth onely. Lyke wyse also, was not Raab the harlot iustifyed thorowe workes, * 1.7 when she had receaued that messengers, and had sent thē out another waye? For as the body, without the spirit is deed, euen so fayth without workes is deed also. ⊢


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