A briefe suruay and censure of Mr Cozens his couzening deuotions Prouing both the forme and matter of Mr Cozens his booke of priuate deuotions, or the houres of prayer, lately published, to be meerely popish: to differ from the priuate prayers authorized by Queene Elizabeth 1560. to be transcribed out of popish authors, with which they are here paralelled: and to be scandalous and preiudiciall to our Church, and aduantagious onely to the Church of Rome. By William Prynne Gent. Hospitij Lincolniensis.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.

The eight Beatitudes.

  • 1 Blessed are the poore in Spirit, for teirs is the king∣dome of Heauen.
  • 2 Blessed are th•• that Mourne, for they shall re∣ceiue comfort.
  • Page  613 Blessed are the Meeke, for they shall receiue the in∣heritace of the Earth.
  • 4 Blessed are they that hnger and thirst after righ∣teousnesse, for they shall bee satisfied.
  • 5 Blessed are the merci∣full, for they shall obtaine mercy.
  • 6 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
  • 7 Blessed are the peace mkers, for they shall be cal∣led the children of God.
  • 8 Blessed are they that suffer for righteousnesse sake, for theirs is the Kingdome of Heauen.