The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell.
Paynell, Thomas.
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¶The seconde Booke of Christes procedynge in the worlde, contay∣nyng what Iesus did, and sayde inclusyuely from hys Baptyme vnto Maundy Thursday. It is deuyded in foure partes. The firste, doeth contayne the worckes that he dyd in hys thyrtie yere. The seconde, the worckes of hys one and thyrtye yere. The thyrde, the worckes of his two and thyrtie yere. And the fourth, the worckes of hys thre and thyr∣tye yere, vnto the dedes he dyd on maundye Thursday.

☞ Of Christes Baptime. Mat. iii. Luke. iii. Mark. i. Cap. i.

AT the same tyme Iesus came out of Nazareth of Galile,* to Iordane vnto Iohn to be Baptised of Iohn, but he forbadde hym, saying: I haue nede to be bap∣tised of thee, and commest thou to Page  [unnumbered] me? Iesus answered and sayde vnto hym: let it be so nowe, for thus it be∣commeth vs to fulfyll all ryghteous∣nesse. Thē he suffred him. (Luke) And it fortuned whan al the people recea∣ued baptyme, and whan Iesus was also baptised (Marke,) in Iordane, (Luke.) and prayinge: (Marke,) as soone as he was come out of the wa∣ter: (Math.) To, heauen was open o∣uer hym, and he sawe the spirite of God descēdīge lyke a doue, (Luke) in a bodely shape, (Math.) and lyghte vpon hym. And lo, there came a voyce from heauen, sayinge: This is my beloned sonne, in whome is my delyte.

☞ Of the genealogie of Christ Lucke. iii. Capi. ii.

ANd Iesus was aboute thyrtye yeres whan he beganne.* And he was taken for the sonne of Ioseph, whyche was the sonne of Eli.

Whiche was the sonne of Mathat.
Whiche was the sonne of Leui.
Whiche was the sonne of Malchi.
Page  16 Whiche was the sonne of Ianna.
Which was the sonne of Ioseph.
Which was the sonne of Mathathi∣as.
Which was the sonne of Amos.
Which was the sonne of Nahum.
Which was the sonne of Esly.
Which was the sonne of Nagge.
Which was the sonne of Maath.
Which was ye sonne of Mathathias.
Which was the sonne of Semei.
Which was the sonne of Ioseph.
Which was the sonne of Iuda.
Which was the sonne of Iohanna.
Which was the sonne of Resa.
Which was the sonne of Zorobabel.
Which was the sonne of Salathiel.
Which was the sonne of Neri.
Which was the sonne of Melchi.
Which was the sonne of Abdi.
Which was the sonne of Susan.
Which was the sonne of Elmadam.
Which was the sonne of Her.
Which was the sonne of Ieso.
Which was the sonne of Eliezer.
Which was the sonne of Ioram.
Which was the sonne of Mathat.
Which was the sonne of Leui.
Which was the sonne of Simeon.
Page  [unnumbered] Which was the sonne of Iuda.
Which was the sonne of Ioseph.
Which was the sonne of Ionam.
Which was the sonne of Elaichim.
Which was the sonne of Melcha.
Which was the sonne of Menna.
Which was the sonne of Mathata.
Which was the sonne of Nathan.
Which was the sonne of Dauid.
Which was the sonne of Iesse.
Which was the sonne of Obed.
Which was the sonne of Booz.
Which was the sonne of Salmon.
Which was the sonne of Naazon.
Which was the sonne of Aminadab.
Which was the sonne of Aram.
Which was the sonne of Esrom.
Which was the sonne of Phares.
Which was the sonne of Iuda.
Which was the sonne of Iacob.
Which was the sonne of Isaar.
Which was the sonne of Abraham.
Which was the sonne of Thare.
Which was the sonne of Nacher.
Which was the sonne of Saruch.
Which was the sonne of Ragan.
Which was the sonne of Phalech.
Which was the sonne of Heber.
Which was the sonne of Sala.
Page  17 Whiche was the sonne of Cainan.
Whiche was the sonne of Arfaxat.
Whiche was the sonne of Sem.
Whiche was the sonne of Noe.
Whiche was the sonne of Lameth.
Which was the sonne of Mathusalē
Whiche was the sonne of Enoch.
Whiche was the sonne of Iareth.
Whiche was the sonne of Malalehel
Whiche was the sonne of Cainam
Whiche was the sonne of Enos.
Whiche was the sonne of Seth.
Whiche was the sonne of Adam.
Whiche was the sonne of God.
Iesus full of the holye ghost came a∣gayne
from Iordane.

☞ Of Christes fasting & temp∣tacion. Mathew. iiii. Marke. i. Luke. iiii. Ca. iii.

ANd immediatlye [Mathevve] was Iesus ledde awaye of the spirite into the Wyldernesse,* to be tempted of the Deuyll: [Marke] and was wyth the wylde beastes. [Mathevve] And when he hadde fasted fourtye dayes and four∣tye nyghtes. [Luke] In those dayes Page  [unnumbered] dyd he eate nothyng, and when they were ended, (Math.) he was after∣warde an hongred, and the tempter came to him, (Luke) the Deuel, (Mat) and sayde vnto him: Yf thou be the sonne of God, commaunde that these stones be made bread. (Luk) And Ies{us} aunswered hym:** It is written that (Mat) manne shall not lyue by bread onelye, but by euery worde that pro∣ceadeth oute of the mouthe of God. Then the Deuell toke hym vp into the holye citye, (Luke) Ierusalem, (Math) and sette hym on a pinacle of the temple, and sayde vnto hym: Yf thou be the sonne of God, caste thy selfe (Luke) from hence (Math) downe. For it is wrytten:** He shall geue hys aungels charge ouer thee, (Luke) to kepe thee, (Math) and with their han∣des they shal holde thee vp, that thou dashe not thy foote agaynste a stone. Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: It is wrytten also.** Thou shalt not tempt thy Lorde God. Agayne the Deuell toke hym vp (Luke) and ledde hym (Mathe) into an exceadynge hyghe mountayne, and shewed hym all the kingdomes of the world (Luke) in the twincklyng of an eye (Mat) and al the Page  18glory of them. And sayd vnto him: all these, (Luk) and al this power (Math) wyll I geue thee, (Luke) for it is ge∣uen vnto me, and I geue it vnto whō I wyl. Therfore, yf thou nowe wylt worshyppe me, they shal all be thyne. (Math) Then sayd Iesus vnto hym: Auoyde Sathan, for it is wrytten. *Thou shalte worshyppe the Lorde thy God,* and him onelye shalte thou serue. (Luk) And when the Deuel had ended all the temptacions, he depar∣ted from him, (Math) and lefte hym, (Luk) for a season. (Mat) And behold, ye angels came, & ministred vnto hym.

Of other testimonies of Iohn of Christ. Iohn. i. Cap. iiii.

THe next day [after that he came oute of the deserte] after Iohn saw Iesus cōmīg vnto him, & sayde: behold ye lambe of God, which taketh away the sinne of the worlde. This is he of whō I sayde vnto you. After me cōmeth a mā which was be¦fore me, for he was or euer I, and I knew him not. (so fully as novv) But y he shuld be declared in Israel. Ther∣fore am I come to baptise wt water. Page  [unnumbered] And Iohn bare recorde and sayde I saw the spirite descende from hea∣uen lyke a Doue, and abode vpon him, and I knewe hym not: But he that sent me to baptise with water, sayde vnto me: Uppon whome thou shalte see the spirite descende, and ta∣rye styll on hym, the same is he that baptiseth with the holy ghost. And I sawe it, and bare recorde, that this is the sonne of God.

☞ Of the firste vocation & cal∣lynge of the disciples, by the whiche they were called to the symple knowledge of Christe. Iohn. i. Luke. iiii. Cap. v.

THe next day after Iohn stode agayne, and two of hys disci∣ples: and when he sawe Iesus walkynge, he sayde: Beholde the lambe of God. And two of his dis∣ciples heard hym speake & folowed Iesus. And Iesus turned hym about and sawe them folowynge, and sayd vnto them, whom seke ye? They sayd Page  19 vnto hym: Rabi (which is to saye, by interpretacion, maister) where arte thou at lodgynge? He sayde vnto them: Come and see. They came and sawe it, and abode with him the same daye. It was aboute the tenth houre. One of the two whiche heard Iohn speake and folowed Iesus, was An∣drewe the brother of Simon Peter. [The other vvas Iohn the Euangelist, by vvhome his brother Iames vvas cal∣led,] The same founde fyrst hys bro∣ther Simon, and sayde vnto him: we haue founde Messyas, (which is by interpretacion, the anoynted) and he broughte hym to Iesus, when Ie∣sus behelde hym, he sayde: Thou art Simon the sonne of Ioanna, thou shalte be called Cephas, whiche is by interpretacion Peter. The nexte daye after, woulde Iesus goe into Galile. [Luke] And Iesus came a∣gayne in the power of the spirite in∣to Galile, [Iohn] and founde Phi∣lippe, and Iesus sayde vnto him: fo∣lowe me.* Philippe was of Bethsay∣da the citye of Andrewe and Peter. Philippe founde Nathanael & sayde vnto him: we haue foūde him of whō Page  [unnumbered] *Moses in the lawe & the prophetes haue written,* euen Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth, and Natha∣nael sayde vnto him: What good can come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde vnto him: Come and see. Iesus sawe Nathanael commyng to him, & sayd of hym: Beholde, a right Israelite, in whome is no gyle. Nathanael sayde vnto him: from whēce knowest thou me? Iesus aunswered, and sayd vnto him: Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast vnder the figge tree, I sawe thee. Nathanael aunswered, and sayd vnto him: Rabbi, thou arte the sonne of God, thou arte the kyng of Israel. Iesus aunswered, and said vnto him: Because I sayd vnto thee, I sawe the vnder the figge tree, thou beleuest, thou shalte see yet greater thinges then these. And he sayde vnto him: Uerely, verely, I say vnto you, from thys tyme forth shal ye see the heauen open, and the aungels of God, goinge vp and downe o∣uer the sonne of man.