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Title:  The expedicion into Scotla[n]de of the most woorthely fortunate prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, vncle vnto our most noble souereign lord ye ki[n]ges Maiestie Edvvard the. VI. goouernour of hys hyghnes persone, and protectour of hys graces realmes, dominions [and] subiectes made in the first yere of his Maiesties most prosperous reign, and set out by way of diarie, by W. Patten Londoner.
Author: Patten, William, fl. 1548-1580.
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might wel be acknow∣ledged, whearby first, and first of all men (a litle, but not with∣out purpose now to digres) be∣ynge lorde Lieutenaūt of Bul∣leyn next after it was wun, bea¦ten on al sydes, weak without, yll harbour within, and (nowe to say trouth, for the daūger is past) skante tenable as it was, did so valiauntly defende it a∣gaynst the Dolphyn then and all hys power, that as I remē∣bre was reconed a .lii.M. Of whome in a camisado then, as they had slayn many of our mē & wun the base toun, his lorde∣ship killed aboue viii.C coūted of the best souldiors in al Fraū¦ce, draue the rest away, & reco∣uered the toun frō them again. And the next yere after, occupi∣yng 0