The widowes treasure plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approoued secretes in phisicke and chirurgery for the health and pleasure of mankinde : hereunto are adioyned, sundry pretie practises and conclusions of cookerie : with many profitable and holesome medicines for sundrie diseases in cattell.
Partridge, John, fl. 1566-1573.

To take away the Cough or Stitche.

TAke a pinte or a quarte of Malmesie one handefull of Annyséede, one hande¦full of vnset Hissoppe: one Licorice sticke brused, halfe a dishe of swéete Butter, séeth all these thinges togeather till they be thicke: and after spreade it vpon a toste of wheate bread and lay them within a linnen Cloath as warme as you maye suffer it to your Stomacke. But if you will take this for a Stitche leaue out the Butter.

The Head annointed with the iuice of Léekes, preserueth the haire from falling.