The widowes treasure plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approoued secretes in phisicke and chirurgery for the health and pleasure of mankinde : hereunto are adioyned, sundry pretie practises and conclusions of cookerie : with many profitable and holesome medicines for sundrie diseases in cattell.
Partridge, John, fl. 1566-1573.
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For to make a colour like Golde.

TAke an vnce of Orpiment, one vnce of fine Christall, bray them seuerally, and mingle with them the white of an Egge.

TAke Saffron dryed, beaten into pow∣der, and put to it as muche glistering Orpiment that is scalye & not earthy, then with the gall of an Hare or a Pyke, braye them togeather, put them in some violl vn∣der a dong-hill fiue dayes, then take it out and kéep it, for it is the colour of Gold.