The widowes treasure plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approoued secretes in phisicke and chirurgery for the health and pleasure of mankinde : hereunto are adioyned, sundry pretie practises and conclusions of cookerie : with many profitable and holesome medicines for sundrie diseases in cattell.
Partridge, John, fl. 1566-1573.

A souerain drink for all maner of Cattell that you suspect to be Lung sicke.

TAKE me the Hearbe that is called Cowslippe or Lungwoort, it grow∣eth vnder euery hedge, and stamp it: and put therto Fenegréeke and mad∣der Page  [unnumbered] with good Ale, and with a Horne or prittye Tunnell drenche either your horsse Oxe, Cowe or Swine, and it shall yeelde present remedye if there be any disease in the Lunges.

DVarfe Gentian of some called Mock Gillofer, small chopte and giuen to Swine and all other Cattell: it preserueth them wonderfully from the Murren, and all such contagious diseases as happen to Cattell in corrupt times.

THE bitter Vetche is moste profitable to be giuen to oxen or other Kine, that you are desirous to haue soone fatted.

THe water whiche standeth in the hol∣lowes of Béeches, dooth perfectly cure the naughty scurfe and wilde Tetters or scabbes of men, horses, Kine and shéepe, if they be washed therewithall.

THE leaues of blacke Elder are very good Fodder and féeding for Kine, and causeth them to yéeld store of Milke.

Page  [unnumbered]PRicktimber or Spindletrée is hurtfull for all Cattell, especiallye Gotes, for it killeth them if they purge not presentlye vpwardes and downwards.

HOgges and Swine are verye quicke of hearing, and are giuen muche to sléepe, and will eate their owne Pigges and féede vpon vile Carrion: which causeth them many diseases, as Botche, Bile, and sore throate: But the best remedye that I know is to let them blood vnder the tunge, and giue them Madder with Pances, cal∣led hearbe Trinitie, sod in Whaye: and it shall heale them presently.