Sinetes passions vppon his fortunes offered for an incense at the shrine of the ladies which guided his distempered thoughtes. The patrons patheticall posies, sonets, maddrigals, and rowndelayes. Together with Sinetes dompe. By Robert Parry Gent.
Parry, Robert, fl. 1540-1612.
Page  [unnumbered]


Could-st they none other spite me,
When but once fortune friendly did indite me:
Thy selfe thou should'st absent mee?
And all vnkinde, vnkinde, to more torment me.
I haue not thus deserued,
To be with tell-tale Tantalus hunger-starued:
That hauing store of dishes,
I could not feede according to my wishes?
But this he for reuealinge,
Gods counsell bide: and I for yours concealing:
In this yet doe we varie,
That desert to his, is quite contrary?
Then ô most kinde and cruell,
(Except thou minde to starue thy beauties fuell)
For all my loue, fayth, dutye,
Let me but pray, I pray thee on thy beautie?
And thou my new-borne dittie,
Desire her for my second dishe but pittie.