A copie of the first arrest or decree of the Parlament [sic] of Paris, against the booke of Santarellus the Iesuite commanding it to be burned, and the provincial of the Iesuites, with others, to come to the court the next morning to be heard. With, the Parlaments [sic] demands, the Iesuites answeres, their declaration of their detestation of the said booke, with the censure of the Sorbon doctours against the same. Translated into English, according to the French copies, printed at Paris with the Kings priviledge.
France. Parlement (Paris), Bouvot, Ph., Université de Paris. Faculté de théologie. aut
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A COPIE OF THE FIRST Arrest,* or Decree of the Parla∣ment of PARIS, &c.

THe Court of the great Cham∣ber, Criminall, and of the Edict assembled, having seene a booke printed at Rome in the yeare 1625. in∣tituled, Antonij Santarelli, &c. containing in the 30. and 31. Chapters many propositions against the Soveraigne powers of Kings, ordained, and establi∣shed by God, the peace and tranquillity of their States.

Conclusions of the Kings procuratour Generall, and all considered.

The Court hath declared, and doth declare the Propositions, and Maximes of the said booke, to be false, scandalous, and seditious, tending to the sub∣version of Soveraigne Powers ordained, and establi∣shed by God, to the insurrection of Subjects against their Prince, withdrawing them from their obedi∣ence, inducing to attempt against their Persons, and States, to disturbe the publike peace, and tranquilli∣ty; and the said Booke, as such, to bee torne, and burned in the Court of the Palace by the Executio∣ner Page  4 of High Iustice. Injoyneth, and forbiddeth under paine of Treason all Booke-sellers, and Prin∣ters to print, sell, utter, and all Persons of what state, and condition soever they bee, to have, keepe, re∣taine, and communicate, to print or cause to bee printed, or to publish the said Booke. Commandeth all those; who have Copies thereof, or shall have notice of those, who shall have them in their hands, to notifie forthwith to the Ordinary Iudges, to the end that Inquisition be made by the diligence of the Substitute of the Procuratour Generall, and to proceed against the offenders according to Iustice. Ordaineth, that this present Arrest shall be sent to the Bailywikes, and Stewardships subject to the Iu∣risdiction of this Court, to be published, kept, and observed according to the forme, and tenour there∣of. And to be signified to the Syndicke of the Book∣sellers to make it knowne to the rest, to the end that they pretend not cause of ignorance. Ordaineth, that the Provinciall, three Rectours, and three Ancients of the Iesuites shall bee commanded to come to morrow betimes in the morning to the Court for to bee heard, Made, and executed the thirteenth of March, 1626.