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Title:  A treatise of the plague contayning the causes, signes, symptomes, prognosticks, and cure thereof. Together with sundry other remarkable passages (for the prevention of, and preservation from the pestilence) never yet published by anie man. Collected out of the workes of the no lesse learned than experimented and renowned chirurgian Ambrose Parey.
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one Scruple▪ of thē Species of the Electuarie Diamarga∣riton Frigidum, two Scruples; of Conserue of Roses, Buglosse, preserued Citron Pilles, Mithridate, Treacle, of each one Dramme; of fine Sugar dissolued in Scabious, and Carduus Water, as much as shall suffice: Make there∣of Tablets of the weight of a Dramme, or halfe a Dramme, take them in the morning before you eat.The Pilles of Ruffus are accounted most effectuall pre∣seruatiues, so that Ruffus himselfe saith, that he neuer knew any to be infected that vsed them: The composition of them is thus.Take of the best Aloes halfe a Dramme; of Gumme Ammoniacum two Drammes; of Mirrhe two Drammes and an halfe; of Masticke two Drammes; of Saffron seuen Granes: Put them altogether, and incorporate them with the Iuice of Citrons, or the Sirupe of Limons, and make thereof a Masse, and let it be kept in Leather: Let the Patient take the weight of halfe a Dramme euery morning two or three houres before Meat, and let him drinke the Water of Sorrell after it, which through its tartnesse, and the thinness of its parts, doth infringe the force and power of the malignitie, or putrefaction: For experience hath taught vs, that Sorrell being eaten, or chawed in the Mouth doth make the pricking of Scorpions vnhurtfull. And for those Ingredients which doe enter into the composition of those Pilles, Aloes doth clense and purge; Myrrhe resisteth putrefaction; Masticke strengthens; Saffron exhilarates and makes liuely the Spirits that gouerne the Body, especi∣ally the Vitall and Animall.Those Pilles that follow are also much approued. Take of Aloes one Ounce▪ of Myrrhe halfe an Ounce; of Saffron one Scruple; of Agaricke in Trochisces, two Drammes; of Rubarbe in powder, one Dramme; of Cinnamon two Scruples; of Masticke one Dramme and a halfe; of Citron Seeds twelue Graines: Powder them all as is requisite, and make thereof a Masse with the Sirupe of Maiden Haire: Let it be vsed as afore-said.0