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Title:  An essay of the meanes hovv to make our trauailes, into forraine countries, the more profitable and honourable
Author: Palmer, Thomas, Sir, 1540-1626.
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or Inuoluntarie trauellers, it shall bee the more sparing∣ly discoursed of them; in regarde the Voluntarie are the the true subiects of our point in hand.The Persons,Non Volunta∣ries duple. first occasioned to trauell by the Prin∣ces or States fauour, are either men of peace, or men of warre. Those of peace are either honorable or not, according to the circumstances of places, persons and times to whom and in what times they are sent. The honourable be either Embassadors,Honorable Non Voluntaries. Non Voluntaries not honorable. Commissioners, or Messengers with or without credence. The not hono∣rable be Postes and such like Currers necessarie in States to aduertise Princes speedily concerning their mindes, or such as goe vnder the name of Intelligen∣cers.As cōcerning the honourable, though the prouidence of euerie Prince State make election of meete per∣sonages to vndergoe such charge as is committed vn∣to them; and are euer well instructed concerning prin∣cipall matters and momentall: yet for other mens ob∣seruations,Fiue circum∣stāces required of the honora∣ble Non Volun∣taries. there are fiue circumstāces required of these principall Trauellers, to bee considered. First, from whom such are sent. Secondly, to whome and to what gouernement. Thirdly, what is their Embassage in spe∣ciall. Fourthly, what they themselues are, so chosen to vndergoe the office of Embassadors, of Commissioners or Messengers. And fiftly, that the States of those Coū∣tries & fashiō of the people, as welfrom whence as vnto which they are sent, be pondered at the time of their le∣gation: which shal enable thē the more to be answerable in all points of cōsequencie; that the Prince sending may be cōpleatly serued & honored; that the State or Prince, to whome, may accordingly admire and haue the 0