The iust dovvn[fall of] ambition, adultery, and murder where-vnto are added 3. notorious sinners. Weston. M. Turner and Fran[klin] With his arraignement, confession and e[xecution] VVho all suffered death for the [mur]der if Sir Tho: Ouerbury, poysone[d in] the Tower: of whom to these discourses [is] ioyned an elegy, vpon the death of Sir Thomas Ouerbury.
I. T., fl. 1616.

His third for raising of Spirits &c.

IN rushes then a heape of Accusations,
For all those Godlesse damn'd Abhominations,
Rais'd by the black Art, and a Coniurers spelles:
As to call Spirits euen from the deepest Hells,
To fetch back theeues that with stoln goods are gone,
And calculate natiuities: such a one
Credulity of fooles and women made me,
And to that glorious infamy betraide me.
A Cunning man, a Wise man were my stile,
Page  [unnumbered]Art knew I none, nor did I euer reach
A bough of learnings tree; what I did teach
To others, or did practise, it was all
Cheating, false, apish, diabollicall.
To this being likewise ask'd, what I can say,
I guilty cry. O dreadfull Sessions day!
This Diuells coate to my body made I fit,
Braue was the outside, thrid-bare was the wit.