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Title:  The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.
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this daie to be circumcised in the flesh, and now first of all to shead thy pretious bloud for vs that are of vncir∣cumcised harts and lips, and all to shew that thou ca∣mest in deede of the verie seed of Abraham, and wast subiect to the lawe, cursse, and condemnation for vs; and that our corrupt nature, by thy holinesse might be sanctified, and haue through thee, an obedience to an∣swere the same withall.We beseech thee therefore, grant vs the true cir∣cumcision of the spirit, that our harts & all our mem∣bers being mortified from all worldlie and carnall lusts, we may in all things obeie thy blessed will, and heere staie our selues, and put our trust in thee, that thus hast humbled thy selfe so lowe for vs, that we may be exalted by thee. And from our harts we praie thee ioine vs to that holie companie, that did wait for thy redemption before it came, and doo reioice in it now it is come and performed, and with the sacred host of An∣gels to giue all glorie & renowme vnto thee, for brin∣ging thy peace, which passeth all vnderstanding, vpon the earth, and declaring so great kindnesse and good will towards vs, as to giue thy selfe, and thereby e∣uerlasting ioie and blisse for a Newyeares gift of wor∣thie memoriall, and inestimable value, to be our owne for euer and euer.Speake hencefoorth to our harts with thy louelie voice. Lighten the lampe of our minds with thy hea∣uenlie knowledge. Confirme vs with thy blessed Sa∣craments, which are the certaine tokens of thine vn∣doubted regeneration and quickning of vs. Oh take a∣waie the cursse, the wrath of God, damnation, the works of the flesh and the diuell. Grant me, I beseech thee, that thy grace may dailie mortifie my concupis∣cence of pleasures in things of this world, that is, of wealth, riches, glorie, libertie, fauour of men, meates, drinks, apparell, ease, yea and life it selfe: that the 0