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Title:  The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.
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a little before his death, vouchsafed in his owne person most wiselie, kindlie, and louinglie to inuent, prouide, institute, ordeine, doo, establish, and command; as a most necessarie waie and meane for it, the better to take some place in vs; and not to be frustrate of it end and purpose. Yea, to doo that which his holie Apo∣stles also afterward, togither with the godlie fathers in the primitiue Church both vsed, practised, authori∣sed, and confirmed; according as it was deliuered and giuen by the first author thereof onelie: that is to saie, euen openlie and publikelie to celebrate, in the Lords most happie commemoration and remembrance, at this his holie table, the heauenlie memorie of that most maruellous worke, and deere bought benefit of our redemption and saluation, wrought by Christ Ie∣sus, to our endlesse consolation, profit, commoditie and eternall saluation, in his (with all reuerence named) most pretious death, painfull crosse, & bloudie passion.And wite thou well, O my soule; that like as Mo∣ses, Aaron, and Phinees long since did somtimes eate Manna in the wildernesse, then spirituallie vnder∣standing those visible things: euen so now, we in like maner spirituallie vnderstanding these holie myste∣ries, (for it is the spirit that quickeneth and giueth life, the flesh profiteth vs nothing, as saith our Saui∣our) must here also spirituallie hunger, spirituallie taste, spirituallie eate the flesh of Christ, and spiritual∣lie drinke his bloud indeed, in these holie mysteries, by faith onlie, and assured constant beleefe; that the bles∣sed bodie of Christ was crucified, and his pretious bloud shed vpon the Crosse for our saluation. And so receiue this the Lords supper, euen for a token, badge, or cognizance of this faith and saluation in Christs merits; declaring therby euermore his death and pas∣sion, with thanks-giuing, vntill he come.Neither must we now so much as once dreame of 0