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Title:  The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.
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still letteth, hindereth, and holdeth vnder foote verie manie, which else speedilie would haue run to the king∣dome of libertie, and beleeued the Gospell. Pull it ther∣fore downe, O Lord, with all his stumbling blocks, euill examples, peruerse doctrine; and neuer suffer it to recouer againe.Lord, thou both seest, and right well perceiuest, how the cruell, malicious, and vngodlie Antichristians would inuade the Church, being so puft vp with pride, & inflamed with furie, scorning as well diuine lawes, as humane with like statelinesse and equall contempt; dooing nothing with courtesie and faithfulnesse; but practising mischiefe and naughtinesse, and endeuou∣ring so much as in them lieth, that thy blessed word may no where flourish; that true religion might be vtterlie extinguished; that the perfect inuocating and calling vpon thy glorious name might be quite rooted out; and to bring all things to naught by forged tales, mens traditions, politike deuises, diuelish deceipts, and verie much outrage. But as for thy beloued Isra∣el, sith she hath by thy great mercie enioied so long peace, and blessed tranquillitie, let hir be ioined more and more vnto thee hir welbeloued, so as she may con∣tinuallie laie sure hold vpon thy worthie praises. Suf∣fer not the mouths of hir good and wholesome instru∣ctors to be closed vp, and put to silence. Permit not thy due honour to be had in obliuion, nor yet let the hymnes and songs, wherwith thou art highlie praised and celebrated, be vsurped of such as will haue the same in derision and scorne. Finallie, we humblie be∣seech thee, O excellent father, that what wrath or in∣dignation so euer is due vnto vs, by reason of the hei∣nous sinnes we haue wickedlie committed, thou woul∣dest yet, for the glorie of thy famous name, turne it frō thy sanctified Church, thy deere spouse; and powre out the same rather vpon them, who with an enimie∣like 0