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Title:  The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.
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them with thy grace, that we may be contented with thy prouision of necessaries: and not to labour, as we doo, with toile, strength, guile, wrong, and oppression to pamper our selues with vaine superfluities. Feed our soules, O Lord, dailie with the true Manna of thy heauenlie word, and with the grace of thy holie Sa∣craments. Giue vs grace continuallie to read, heare, and meditate thy purposes, iudgments, promises, and precepts; not to the end we may curiouslie argue therof, or arrogantlie presume thervpon; but to frame our liues according to thy will, that by keeping thy co∣uenants, we may be sure of thy promises: and so make our election and vocation certaine, through our con∣stant faith, vertuous and godlie liuing.Seru.Amen.Maister.Confirme vs, O Lord, to the image of our Sauiour. So lighten the lamps of our harts with the fire and burning flames of thy loue, that no enuie, rancor, hatred, or malice doo remaine in vs, to quench it: but that we may gladlie forgiue, whatsoeuer wrong is, or shall be, either maliciouslie or ignorantlie done or said against vs. And here, Lord, in thy presence; for thy Maiestie is euerie where; we forgiue whatsoeuer hath beene, by anie man or woman practised against vs: beseeching thèe, of thy goodnesse likewise to forgiue it. And further, for thy mercies sake; and for our Sa∣uiour Iesus Christs sake, we beseech thee, O deere Fa∣ther, to forgiue vs these horrible and damnable sinnes, which we haue committed against thy Maiestie; for which thou hast now iustlie brought the pestilence and plague vpon vs. Let the ceasing thereof, we beseech thee, certifie vs of thy mercie and remission.Seru.Amen.Maister.We knowe, O Lord, the weakenesse of our selues; and how readie we are to fall from thee. Suf∣fer not therfore Satan to shew his power and malice 0