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Title:  The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.
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a recompense for the offence which man had commit∣ted against thee: and all this thou didst of thine excee∣ding great mercie and kindnesse, without anie desert of mankind, not being so much as by anie one praier, or yet intreatie therevnto incited.Therefore I being boldened with such inestimable benefits, so freelie giuen and bestowed, doo without any feare at this time, appere before thy diuine Maiestie, prostrating my slefe before the seate of thy mercie, and with all humblenesse of hart and mind doo make this my praier vnto thee.Despise me not (O Lord God) being defiled with sin and iniquitie. For behold, I present my selfe before thee, not presuming vpon mine owne woorthinesse, but trusting in thy goodnesse.Be mercifull vnto me a sinner: light thou the dull sighted eies of my mind, open thou the stopped eares of mine hart, that I may both see, heare, perceiue and vnderstand that, which thou teachest, and alwaies doo that, which thou commandest. Make me not onelie a hearer of thy heauenlie doctrine; but also a perfect fo∣lower of the same: direct, sanctifie and gouerne my life: be thou alwaies present and readie, both to heare, and to helpe me. Saue and defend me from all shame and reproch: be thou my shield & buckler against all temp∣tations; clense my mind and thought from all vnclean∣nesse; keepe and preserue me from all danger both of bodie and soule. This fraile life is nothing else but a continuall warfare in this world: our sinnes most like to cruell enimies, assault vs on euerie side: againe our daies are but few in number.Guide me therefore with thy grace, so to spend my small, short and transitorie time in this world, the ve∣rie fountaine, welspring, and vale of all miserie, that I may be made a member of Christ, & partaker of thine eternall felicitie. To the which, seeing that through 0