Sir Thomas Ouerburie his wife with new elegies vpon his (now knowne) vntimely death : whereunto are annexed, new newes and characters
Overbury, Thomas, Sir, 1581-1613.
Page  [unnumbered]

To the Reader.

THE generall accep∣tance of this match∣lesse Poem the Wife, (written by SIR Thomas Ouerbury) is sufficiently ap∣proued by many, the worth where∣of if any other, out of malice, shall neglect to commend, hee may well (if it proceed, from nice Criticisme) be excluded as a Churlish Retainer to the MVSES: if from direct plaine dealing, he shall be degraded for in∣sufficiencie. For had such a Poem Page  [unnumbered] beene extant among the ancient Ro∣manes, although they wanted our easie conseruations of wit by prin∣ting, they would haue cōmitted it to brasie lest iniurions time might de∣priue it of due eternitie; If to cōuerse with a Creature so amiable as is here described, be thought difficult; let the contemplation thereof be held admirable. To which are added many Elegies of his vntimely death, and Characters and Newes written by himselfe and others his friends. Howsoeuer, they are now exposed, not only to the Iudicious, but to all that cary the least scruple of mother wit about them.

Licet toto nunc Helicone frui—Mar.

Lau: L'isle.