An eye to heauen in earth A necessarie watch for the time of death, consisting in meditations and prayers fit for that purpose. With the husbands christian counsell to his wife and children, left poore after his death.
Norden, John, 1548-1625?
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Priuate Prayers for Morning and Euening.

A Morning Prayer for priuate Families.

ALmightie LORD GOD, most mer∣cifull and louing FATHER, Maker and Preseruer of all thy crea∣tures, but especially the Sauiour and Sanctifier of all them that beléeue in thée, by the merit and ver∣tue Page  [unnumbered] of the bloud of Iesus Christ; Receiue at the hands of vs, thine vnwor∣thy seruants, in the Name of Iesus Christ, this our morning sacrifice of praise and thanksgiuing, for all thy mercies from time to time bestowed vpon vs; for electing vs of thine owne free fauour, before the world was made; for creating vs of nothing, in humane, and not in the shape of brute creatures; for redéeming vs with the most precious death of thine owne Sonne, when wee were captiues and slaues vnto Satan; for cal∣ling vs by the preaching of thy blessed Word, and frée Spirit, when we were Page  [unnumbered] strangers vnto thee; for iustifying vs by the Re∣surrection of thy Sonne, when wée were worthy to be condemned; for sanc∣tifying vs by the Holy Ghost, being by nature vile; for preseruing vs hi∣therto, and that in safetie by thy prouidence; and for thy fatherly prouiding for vs all things necessarie, to this present morning; and for that thine assured and most comfortable pro∣mise, that thou wilt glori∣fie vs in the heauens with thée, after this mortall and miserable life ended: And wee praise thy great and gracious goodnesse, for so mercifully preseruing vs this night past, from all Page  [unnumbered] dangers; and for that thou hast giuen vs comfortable rest and sléepe in the same, whereby our weake bo∣dies are refreshed, and haue receiued the more strength and power to en∣ter into this day, and to vndertake the workes of our callings: and because by reason of the corrupti∣on of our natures, we are pressed downe with dul∣nesse, and beclouded with ignorance, so as wee can∣not rightly vnderstand, nor truely performe our duties, either in thy ser∣uice, or our owne worldly functions, without thy blessing, we here vpon the knées of our hearts doe humbly and heartily pray Page  [unnumbered] thée for Jesus Christ thy beloued Sonnes sake, to assist vs with thy Holy Spirit, that these our praises and prayers may bee accepted of thée; and that our ignorance may be banished by the light of thy holy Spirit, that wee may plainely sée and per∣ceiue our owne errors and wants, & the detestable∣nesse of our sinnes, and through his bloud obtaine pardon of all our imper∣fections and defects, with liuely and effectuall re∣newing of our obedience to thée, in all our workes, wordes, and duties, this day. Remember not, O Lord, the sinnes we haue committed, nor our neg∣lect Page  [unnumbered] of the duties we haue omitted: call not to minde the transgressions of our youth, which we haue for∣gotten, nor looke vpon the wickednesse of our riper yéeres, which doe presse vs downe through the sense of thy seuere iudgements, threatned against vs for them: and let thy grace (we humbly beséech thée) from henceforth euer bee∣extended towards vs: vouchsafe thy holy Spirit vnto vs, euermore to di∣rect vs, that neither the weaknesse, dulnesse, and peruersnesse of our owne natures, in doing that which is good, nor the strength of our naturall inclinations to doe that Page  [unnumbered] which is euill, be any hin∣derance to the worke of thy grace in vs. But so much the more, good Fa∣ther, watch euer vs, that neither Sinne nor Satan preuaile against vs: that wee obtayning at thy hands this great mercy, may the more fréely, chéer∣fully, & prosperously passe this day: and that our la∣bours, being taken in hand in thy feare, may through thy blessing suc∣céede to thine owne glorie, our comfort, and to the good of them whom they may concerne. And for∣asmuch as the passing through this world, is ma∣ny wayes & euery where dangerous, and full of pe∣rils, Page  [unnumbered] by reason not only of Satans malice, but also by reason of the practices of our corporall enemies, our owne infirmities, crosses, losses, troubles, and many miseries. Assist vs, gracious God, and le∣uing Father, that we may escape all these inconueni∣ences, and not to fall into any sinne or corporal dan∣ger this day; but rest se∣cure, and safely protected vnder thy power and pro∣uidence, and carry our selues vpright in all our actions, through Christ our Lord.

O Lord, increase our faith.
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A Prayer in the E∣uening for priuate Families.

O Gracious Lord God, and most leuing Father in Jesus Christ, wee thy most vnworthy seruants, doe humbly in∣treate thée to accept from vs, in his Name, our vn∣fained thanks, for the ma∣nifold pledges of thy loue towards vs. Thou hast made vs, and not wee our selues: and where thou mightest haue made vs beasts, thou hast formed and shaped vs men and women, and furnished vs with many spirituall bles∣sings, Page  [unnumbered] besides infinite cor∣porall comforts, which not onely this day, now presently past, but all the dayes of our liues, doe witnesse: for, day vnto day vttereth thy goodnesse towards vs: and night vnto night approueth thy prouidence ouer vs. The day is now past, darknes is gone ouer our heads, resembling rightly our ig∣norance; for, without the light and knowledge of thy sauing Truth, we liue in darknesse, in the stron∣gest and most glorious light of the Sunne. The eye of the body may bee light, when the vnderstan∣ding, as touching heauen∣ly things, may be so dark, Page  [unnumbered] as not able to apprehend our owne wants and im∣perfections. Thus, O Lord, doe wee acknow∣ledge our hearts to bee e∣clipsed, with the dulnesse and blindnesse of our na∣turall reason and vnder∣standing, whereby we yet are able, and doe onely séeke, and search, & finde, and follow the forbidden vanities of this wretched life, tasting and vsing them with carnall pleasure and forbidden delight, as the sins which wee haue com∣mitted this day, and the good duties we haue omit∣ted, doe testifie against vs, to our shame this eue∣ning: and yet such is thy great goodnesse and mercy Page  [unnumbered] towards vs, as thou this day in our ignorance hast instructed vs, in our blindnesse hast guided vs, in our necessities reléeued vs, in our wearinesse re∣freshed vs, & now brought vs to the euening of this last day wherein wee haue liued, and that in safetie: so that wee cannot but acknowledge, this day to haue béene a day added by thy blessing, to thy former manifold fauours, which we haue daily receiued at thy hands; possible it is not for vs, to number vp the benefits and blessings, which thou hast bestow∣ed vpon vs through all our life; they are number∣lesse: yet, wretches that Page  [unnumbered] wee are, wee haue (as it were) striued to equalize; nay rather, to exceede thy blessing in the number of our transgressions. Our naturall corruption, the sinne of Adam, cleaueth vnto vs (his posteritie) so fast, as it hath filled vs, e∣uen from our conception, with the séedes of all euill, so that we brought that in∣to the world with vs, which without thy grace and frée pardon in Christ, cannot but confound vs: But thou hast giuen thy Sonne Jesus Christ, a meanes of propitiation, in whom thou reconcilest all that beléeue in him, vnto thy selfe. Therefore, haue we boldnesse through him, Page  [unnumbered] to intreat thée of pardon for all the sinnes we haue, euery one of vs, commit∣ted this day, as our euill thoughts, idle words, and wicked actions, whereby thou hast béene, euen this day, iustly prouoked a∣gainst vs; besides our for∣mer abusing of thy pati∣ence, and despising of thy Word, whereby thou threatnest to punish sin∣ners, and whereby thou hast promised to blesse and comfort them that serue thée in truth. Thou mayst iustly condemne vs also for our vnthankefulnesse for thy mercies, especially for our vnfaithfulnesse in not beléeuing thy promi∣ses. But now, Lord, wee Page  [unnumbered] beséech thée, that the old man (our corruption) by the new man (thy Spirit) sinne may bee abandoned and cast out, that sinne no longer haue dominion o∣uer vs, mortifie in vs the whole bodie of sinne, and so clense vs, that we carry not vnto our beds this night, any dregs of the same, but may bee fully washed, through thy Sons bloud, from euery spot & stayne, that yet remaynes in our corrupt hearts: that we, being thus washed in the Lauer of perfect re∣generation, the precious bloud of that slayne Lamb by faith, we may not feare the assaults of Satan, nor any malicious instrument Page  [unnumbered] of his, this night, but may be safely kept and preser∣ued by thy prouidence, and receiue such rest and sléep, as may onely refresh vs; let thy Angels guard vs, and our soules and bo∣dies, and all that we haue, that we & it may bee kept and preserued safe vn∣till the morning, and for euer.

O Lord, increase our faith.
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A Confession of sinne, a Prayer for pardon, and for a godly and sanctified life.

O God and Father of all Goodnesse, and Fountaine of Mercie, the Guide of the Righte∣ous, the Giuer of all per∣fect gifts, and the Sancti∣fier of the heartes of all that shall be saued; shew thy selfe vnto me, who am a defiled and deformed wretch, whom originall corruption and actuall sinnes haue so polluted, as I am not worthy to stand in thy sight, or that Page  [unnumbered] thou shouldest dwell in mée by thy holy Spirit: And therefore I cannot without feare and asto∣nishment, without trem∣bling and shame, approch into thy presence; séeing mine owne filthinesse, and considering thy great Ma∣iestie, Integritie and Pu∣ritie: yet am I embelde∣ned to come vnto thée, cōpassed with many infir∣mities, especially with 〈◊〉 and corruption, which if I would endeuour to con∣ceale, I cannot, they are so open and manifest to thine All-séeing eye, that the more I labour to hide them, so much the more they breake forth and shew themselues vnto Page  [unnumbered] thée. O, looke not vpon them as a Judge to con∣demne me for them, but as a louing and mercifull Father, and Phisician to cure mée of them: so shall I not onely willingly dis∣couer vnto thée all the sores and pollutions of my corrupt heart and pro phane life (which by search I shall bée able to finde in my selfe) but intreate thée also, with the Lancet of thy Loue, to cut, searifie, rip vp and find out all the hid∣den filthinesse that lur∣keth in my soule, in my minde, in my will, and in mine affections, and ap∣ply the Playster of the sa∣uing Bloud of Jesus Christ, to heale mee Page  [unnumbered] throughout, that there re∣maine no more grosse cor∣ruption in mée: and learne mée so to search and know the wickednesse of my heart, that I may not spare my dearest and most familiar sinne, but may ast it out, as the chiefest worker of my miserie. Lord, let it become bitter, lothsome, and méerely hatefull vnto my soule, as a most deadly infection, howsoeuer it hath béene heretofore séeming swéet, pleasing, and delightfull vnto my carnall part. Let mée abhorre all iniquitie, and truely abstaine from all occasions to sinne a∣gaine.

Giue mée strength, O Page  [unnumbered] Lord, to ouercome my sinfull lusts, and what wanteth in my power, supply by thy grace, that I may at least still striue a∣gainst euery sin, through the power of thy Spirit, that I may bée approoued a member of thy Militant Church here, where yet I am a stranger, and where I continually féele the wearisome warfare be∣twéene the flesh and the Spirit, wherein I haue neuer the victorie, but by thine only power, but the fyle euer by mine owne weaknesse.

O subdue my flesh and fleshly minde to thine obe∣dience, that I neuer make ship wracke of a good con∣science, Page  [unnumbered] by yéelding vnto the motions of my corrupt heart, which I daily féele in my selfe to rebell a∣gainst thy reueiled will: and make mée lightly to e∣stéeme of the vaine and de∣ceiuing things of this World, that I may truly shew my selfe to take no thought for the flesh, to ful∣fill the lusts thereof: but by a constant deniall of mine owne will, approoue my selfe to liue by Faith, after thy will: And giue mée grace, that in nothing I may offend thy Maiesty, and let mée neuer giue way to mine owne cor∣rupt will and affections, to commit the least sinne, whereby I may quench, Page  [unnumbered] that sparke of that Spirit and Grace thou hast be∣gun in mée.

Enlighten my heart, that I may know thy will aright, and rightly behaue my selfe according vnto the same, not for a day, and then fall to the workes of mine owne per∣uerse will againe, but that my Righteousnesse may shine more and more, through a constant perse∣uerance, vntill it come to that perfection, as may truly testifie vnto my con¦science, that I am the same, that I desire to séeme to be, not according to the opinion that others haue of mee: but accor∣ding to that measure o Page  [unnumbered] holinesse thou requirest to be in me: let my outward integritie bee in all ho∣ly simplicitie, and god∣ly purenesse among men, as in thy sight. And the more that Satan by his meanes and ministers, endeuoureth to withdraw mine obedience from thée, so much the more let mée striue to maintaine that dutie and obedience which I owe vnto thée: And let thy loue towardes mée, draw mée to loue thée, as∣well when thou touchest mée with aduersttie, as when thou giuest me pro∣speritie: and fayle mée not in my greatest néed.

Teach mée, O Father, to séeke and obtaine all Page  [unnumbered] things at thy hands, by the meanes and merits of Je∣sus Christ, in whose name I humbly offer vnto thée, this my weake and imper∣fect Sacrifice. Accept it yet in him; he is thine on∣ly Sonne in whom thou art euer well pleased, hée is my Redéemer, and hath paid the ransome for me, which for my sinnes was laid vpon me: and hee sit∣teth now a Mediator, at thy right hand euen for me. Scatter therefore, O Lord, my sinnes as a mist, and mine iniquities, as a Cloud, and let my Righ∣teousnesse appeare as the Sunne, and mine Inte∣gritie before men, as the noone day; that my heart Page  [unnumbered] may alwayes behold thée. And let thy face of fauour and loue spread its beams so ouer mee, that I being inlightened by thée, may walke as in the cléere Light of sauing Truth, and be euer led by the hand of thy Grace, that neither sinne, Satan, the World, nor mine owne corrupti∣ons cause me to stumble and fall.

Giue me, good Father, the Spirit of perfect Prayer: And although through the coldnesse of my Zeale, and weaknesse of Faith, I cannot cry vocally vnto thée alwayes alike; yet, accept the will, and the sighes and grones of my heart, which can∣not Page  [unnumbered] bee expressed, yet knowne to thée. Thou knowest the meaning of the heart; and hee that in∣wardly mourneth for his sinnes, though hee out∣wardly cry not for Mer∣cie, thou hearest him: it is thy Grace that wor∣keth sighes in the sorrow∣full heart, and which in∣kindleth the fire of Zeale, whereby the tongue is mooued from the belée∣uing heart, euen in often inforced silence, to pierce at length euen the Hea∣uens with the loudnesse of its cry: And thou againe graciously grantest the faithfull hearts desire, by outward reliefe or inward comfort: so that nothing Page  [unnumbered] wanteth to him that sée∣keth thée, but hee is filled with all ioy and spirituall consolation. In this ioy let all worldly ioyes bee swallowed vp in mee, and let mee preferre the peace of a good conscience, before all carnall peace and prosperitie.

Teach mee, good Fa∣ther, how to kéepe a dili∣gent account of all the benefits and blessings I here receiue of thée, and what vse I from time to time make of them; knowing that there will come a day, when I shall bee called to answere the same.

Grant therefore that I may so gourrne my selfe, Page  [unnumbered] that I may bee able with boldnesse and truth, to giue account of my time spent, and my talents, how I haue disposed them, that I may bee found faithfull in my little, and be made partaker of the greatnesse of thy Glorie in the Hea∣uens.

Though I be a Stran∣ger & a Soiourner here in Earth, yet grant, Lord, that I may haue my con∣uersation in Heauen. Giue me Wisedome, that I may finish this my Pil∣grimage in thy fauour: and for that I cannot so number my dayes, that I can know how long I haue to liue, let the resi∣due of my life be a prepa∣ration Page  [unnumbered] to Death, and the meditation of Death, cause in mee continuall watchfulnesse, for the com∣ming of thy Sonne. O God, forsake mée not vnto the end, so shall I neuer fall from, or forsake thee. Enable mee heere so to walke as becommeth thy sonne, though in great weaknesse I haue finished my course to this day. Grant, Lord, that I may bring forth better fruites, from this day to the end of my dayes, through thy Grace, and in the end bée receiued to eternall Glo∣rie, through the merits of my alone Sauiour and Redéemer, Jesus Christ: to whom with thée, O Page  [unnumbered] God the Father, and the Holy Ghost, be euermore ascribed all Power and Glorie.

O, Lord, euermore in∣crease my faith.