An eye to heauen in earth A necessarie watch for the time of death, consisting in meditations and prayers fit for that purpose. With the husbands christian counsell to his wife and children, left poore after his death.
Norden, John, 1548-1625?
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The second cause of watch∣fulnesse, the vncertaintie of the time of death.

THe second cause of watchfulnesse, is the vncertayne comming of death. To the end therefore that I may prouide for his comming, and not bee afraid; as no doubt by nature, flesh and bloud cannot but bee, at the consideration of the supposed horror it bring∣eth with it: I must enter∣tayne a godly care to liue well, and that in the conti∣nuall expectation of the time when it will come: for a godly, sincere, and a religious life, can neuer be Page  90 too suddenly surprised by death, come it where, when, and how it will: so shall I be sure to die in the Lord. Though I should lose my head with Iohn Baptist; bee stoned with * Stephen; though I should * be burned with fire, slaine by the sword with Iames, * or by whatsoeuer other ig∣nominious, cruell, or tor∣menting death, yet I am the Lords, and with him I shall liue for euer.

Yet am I not secure, as if I needed not to feare; for, I cannot but confesse, that howsoeuer I indeuor to leade a godly life; I find in my selfe many and sun∣drie relapses, and deserti∣ons, though not finall, yet Page  91 fearefull, through the ma∣nifold temptations of Sa∣tā working by, & through mine owne corruptions; & therefore I finde it fit, to stand alwayes vpon my Watch-towre in continu∣all * Prayer, that I bee not vnder the least power of a∣ny of mine enemies, when my separation shall come.

I will indeuour to make * vse of the Parable of Christ my Sauiour, who by way of premonition, saith, Vn∣derstand this, as being a matter of chiefe conse∣quence for my safetie. If the good man of the house, (which is the soule of euery man dwelling in the bodie) knew at what houre the Thiefe (namely Page  92 Death) would come, hee would be readie to entertaine it: And would not suffer his house (his bodie) to be dig∣ged thorow, namely, by vi∣olence to be surprized, and to be desperatly spoyled of his goods (his soule to be tormented, & perplexed by a guilty conscience and an vnrepentant heart for sinne committed against God) but would bee still watch∣ing, to preuent euery euill motion to sinne, and wait for that Thiefe Death, wil∣lingly to lay downe his bodie for a time, in the graue, and to yeeld vp his soule to God that gaue it, in Christ who redeemed it.

As touching this watch∣fulnesse, it is comprehen∣ded * Page  93 in a godly life, and in a continuall serious obe∣dience to God, eschewing * euill, and doing good: in see∣king peace and following it. This is true watchfulnesse, and blessed is the man, whom * the Lord when hee commeth shall find thus waking. For he that slumbreth in security▪ carelesse of future dangers, leding an vngodly life, not remembring his end, and what accoūt he is to make, when Death comes vpon this man, he shal be suddēly carryed to the place of ex treme and perpetuall tor∣ment, neuer to bee relea sed. I will therefore pray, that I may retayne a con∣tinuall watchful heart, and striue to liue soberly, be∣cause I know not the time.

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A Prayer that I may be al∣wayes readily prepared for Death. The Prayer.

O Lord my God, who hast created mee of nothing, here to liue and breathe in the Earth for some few dayes, (few were the many thousand yéeres, in comparison of thine Eternitie) and yet the end of these my dayes altogether vnknowne vn∣to mee: Therefore thou commandest me, to watch and to awake to siue righ∣teously, and not to sinne, and yet by nature I sléepe in carnall securitie.

Thou willest me not to Page  95 sleepe as doe other: but to watch and bee sober: but, alas, I slumber in mine owne vanities, the deceits of sinne.

True Wisedome wil∣leth mée to watch, because the time of my dissolution is at hand, when I shall bee no more, breathe no more, but bee taken from all the pleasures and de∣lights of this life.

Frame in me therefore, I beséech thée, good Fa∣ther, a watchfull heart. Banish from me, the dark∣nesse of ignorance, and all wicked affections, by the knowledge of thy truth: Giue mee grace to order my life according to that certaine and sure rule of Page  96 all righteousnesse and sin∣ceritie, by the vertue of the Spirit of Iesus Christ.

The darknesse of the night is past, and I haue the light of thy Word: giue me therefore the will and ablenesse, to cast off the workes of darknesse, and to put on the armour of light: That I may henceforth walke honest∣ly, as in the day, not in gluttonie and drunkennes, nor in chambering and wantonnesse, nor in strife and enuying, but by put∣ting on the Lord Iesus Christ; and not to take thought for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.

I am subiect, O Lord, to many temptations, Page  97 giue me therefore the Spi∣rit of Wisedome, and strength to resist and ouer∣come them: And that I may kéep cōtinuall watch ouer all my thoughts, words, and wayes, that I bée at no time idle in wel-doing, that Death which standeth at my doore finde me not without the Lamp of Loue, faith, and Obe∣dience, burning in my heart.

Make mee holy, and constant in all good and godly duties, that with a pure and sanctified con science, I may at all times and in all places serue thee, walking before thee in truth, and that with a perfit heart: that I fall not Page  98 into the power and lust of mine Aduersaries, nor be ouer-swayed with the de∣stres of my corrupt heart, but bee found perfect to e∣uery good worke; for thou art my God.

Uigilant and watchful is Death, still attending to seize vpon mée, yet can∣not before thine appoin∣ted time, for my time is in thine hand. Giue me ther∣fore a watchful heart, that I may liue to thée, and die in thée, that whensoeuer it shall come to passe, that I must yéeld my body to the dust, I may be sound wa∣king, my heart settled vp∣on Heauen, and heauenly things. So shall not this death be terrible, but most Page  99 acceptable vnto me, being the way by which, I shall enter into that holy place new and spirituall Ierusa∣lem, where the filthy gar∣ments of sinne, shame and confusion, shall bee taken from mee; and the most glorious Robes of Righ∣teousnesse, in the merits of thy glorified Soune, bée put vpon me, neuer to war old, which grant most lo∣uing father, for his sake: So be it.

O Lord, increase my faith, and giue mee euer a watchfull heart, pure and holy.