Here begynneth the rule of seynt Benet
Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino., Fox, Richarde, b. ca. 1447.

¶The .lx. chapiter treateth of seculer prestes that desyre to entre into religion in any monastery.

Page  [unnumbered]ALbeit that this .lx. chapiter nor no parte therof may touche or concerne the congregacion of Mynchins / yet for the cause aboue rehersed ī the other chapiters of this rule not towchynge them / and specyally for the instruction of som monkes meynly lettered / we haue trāslated the say∣de .lx. chapiter ī fourme folowing. ¶If any preeste desyre to be receyued & takyn into the monastery / it shal not be lyght∣ly at the firste desyre graunted to him. Howe be it if he cōti∣nually {per}siste in this his desyre & supplicaciō / let him knowe & be well assured / to be bounde to obserue all the strayctnes of the rule / and that no maner of thinge shalbe to him ther∣of released / according to the scripture. Frēde or broder wher¦fore cāme thou? Neuerthelesse: he may be licenced to stonde in order aftur the abbot / and to gyue benediction / & to synge masse / if so be that thabbot so cōmaunde. And elles beynge not cōmaunded / let him in no wyse presume any thynge a∣boue a nother brother. But let him euer remembre that he is subiect and bounde to reguler obseruance / and by the rea∣son of his ordre / let him the rather gyue all other example of all mekenes & humylite / and if he be the cause of any goode ordināce or order of any other good thynge in the monaste∣ry / let him euer regarde that place and degre that he entred into / whan he cāme firste into the monastery / and not that place nor degre whiche for the reuerence of presthod to him was graūted. And also if any clarke not preste of lyke desy∣re / couet to be accept & associat īto the monastery / let him be set in ameyne place / so that firste he promyse thobseruacion of the rule and his stabilite in the same.