Here begynneth the rule of seynt Benet
Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino., Fox, Richarde, b. ca. 1447.

¶Here foloweth the .v. chapiter which treateth of thobedience of Minchins.

THe chefe and principall degre of humilite is Obedi∣ence without taryeng or delay makynge. This ver∣tue agreeth well and becōmeth those virgins / and to them doth eap{per}teygne / whiche in their loue preferre no thynge / byfore the loue of all myghty god / or to whome no thynge is soo dere as christe. For eyther of the holy religion whiche they haue {pro}fessed / or for fere of the bytter paynes of Hell / or elles for Ioye of euerlastinge lyfe / as sone as any thynge is them cōmaūded by their superior to be doon / euin as it we∣re cōmaunded by god / they cannot nor maye not make nor suffre any delay in the performynge or executynge therof / but incōtinent & forthwith doo it / euyn as it were cōmaun∣ded of god / of whiche obedient {per}sons all myghty god saith thus / as sone as she hard me: she obeyed my comaundemēt. And ageyne he sayth to them that be techers of his lawes / who soo euer herith you: hereth me / Therfore all those per∣sons that forsake all that theyers is / renoūcinge their owne wylles / and gyuinge vppe anon their busines / leuinge that thynge vnperfited and vnfinisshed that they had in hande / doo folowe the cōmaūdementes of their superior in dedes / by and by and forthwith / and as in oon instant bothe those two thing{is} / that is to say the cōmaūdemēt of the maistres / and the perfite dedes of the disciple / be accōplisshed to gyd∣der swyftly thurgh the drede of god: of suche as hath a zele and inward desyre to goo to euerlasting lyfe / for the which zele and desyre / they take vppon theym a narowe passage / wherof (god sayth) It is a narowe and a strayte waye that Page  [unnumbered] leedith vnto euerlastinge lyfe. that is to say not lyuyng after their owne wyll / ne beinge obedient to their owne desyres and vnlefull pleasures / but continuinge their lyfe vnder the Iugement and power of a nother / lyuinge in monasteris: haue a full desyre that an abbasse or prioresse / haue the pre∣emynence and rule ouer theym / all suche persons doubtles followe the sentence of all myghty god / wherin he sayth I am nat cōme to accomplyshe myn owne wyll / but his whi∣che hath sent me. But this sealfe same obedience shall then be acceptable vnto god and plesant vnto other / whan that thinge which is cōmaunded is effectuosly brought to ende / not ferefully / slowly / or fayntly / ne with grutch or denyeng nor arguinge nor resoning it / for obediēce which is shewed vnto superiors in religiō / is shewed vnto god / he sayth him sealfe as it is aboue sayde / who so herethe you herethe me. ¶Moreouer the disciple muste be obedient with a good & free wyll / for god loueth him that gyueth a thinge with a cherefull and a mery hart / for if so be that a disciple be obe∣dient with an euyll wyll / though she grutcheth not in wor∣des / yet if she grutch inwardly in hir hart / notwithstāding it / she fulfyll the cōmaūdemēt that is gyuen vnto hir / yet is it not acceptable vnto god / whiche beholdeth and consyde∣ryth the stomake / the hert / and mynde of the grudger. And for suche a thinge though she doo it / she purchasyth no gra∣ce nor thanke / but rather she rennith in daunger and payne of suche grudgers without she make amendis therfore.