Here begynneth the rule of seynt Benet
Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino., Fox, Richarde, b. ca. 1447.

¶The .lvii. chapiter treath of the artificers of the monastery.

IF there be any artificers in the monasterye / they shall doo their occupacion with all humilite / so that they haue firste the cōmaundement or leue of the abbasse / And if any of theym be prowde for the conninge of the crafte that she hath byfore a nother / bycause she semith to doo soom {pro}∣fyte to the monastery aboue other / suche oon must be with∣drawen and sequestred from that crafte / & shall not goo to it agayne / except thabbasse cōmaunde hir after that she ha∣the meked & submitted hir selfe / If any thinges of the war∣bes of thartificers be to be solde: they that shal haue the sale / must se wysely / and beware that there be no fraude / nether in the worker / nor in the seller / nor no fraude doo to the mo∣nastery. And let theym all way remembre Ananie and Sa∣phire / lesse perauenture they and all other / which do any de∣ceyte in the good{is} of the monastery / suffre lyke deth in their sowles / as the forsayd Ananie and Saphire suffred in their bodies / that is to say sodeyne deth. In the prices of all suche stuffe / the synne of courtouse muste vtterly be exchued / and therfore let it be solde somwhat better chepe / than it sholde haue be of secular persons / to thentent that god may be glo∣rified in all thynges.