Here begynneth the rule of seynt Benet
Benedict, Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino., Fox, Richarde, b. ca. 1447.

¶The .xliiii. chapiter treateth of those that be excōmunicat / howe they shall do satisfaction.

SHe that for a more greuous offence is excōmunica∣te frome the quere and from the table. whan the ser∣uice of god is soonge in the quere muste lyghe downe byfo∣re the Quere doore sayenge nothynge / but oonly beynge prostrate grouelynge with hir hedde towchynge the Erth Page  [unnumbered] at the fete of all hir susters / cōmynge out of the queer / and that shall she doo with contynuance / vnto the abbasse iuge that she haue doon satisfaccion / which mynchyn / whan by the cōmaūdement of thabbasse / she doth cōme into the cha∣piter howse / shal prostrate hir selfe byfore the fete of the say∣de abbasse / and afterward at the fete of all hir susters / desy∣rynge them to pray for hir. And than if thabbasse cōmaun∣de she shalbe receyued īto the quere / in what order or degre that thabbasse woll decerne and limite / Soo that she pre∣sume not to begynne psalme / lecturne / or any other thynge in the quere / except thabbasse gyue a newe cōmaundemēt. And at euery houre whan the seruice of god is soonge / she shall prostrate hir selfe vppon the erth ī the place where she stondeth / and soo shall she doo satisfaccion in the quere / tyll thabbasse cōmaūde hir to cease: they that be excōmunicate for lyght fautes oonly from the table / shall doo fatisfaccion in the quere / vnto the tyme the abbasse gyue other cōmaū∣dement. This shall they allway doo tyll the thabbasse gyue them there absolution and say that it is sufficient.