The prophetie of the spirit of loue. Set-fourth by HN: and by him perused a-new, and more distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne into English
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?, Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.

The XVIII. Chap.

•…Oofe to it bytimes / and a amende [ A] your Beeinge / O yee Children of Men: and take mine Admonitiō to heart. Make not {reversed ;}in anycase; light account of the tocō∣inge Greefe-of-minde, which shall fall / and is also alredie fallen ypon b the Vngodlie, with much Ca∣lamitie and Miserie: but endeuour you {reversed ;}with good willinge Heartes; to enter into the c Obedience of the Requiringe of the gratious Woord / and of his Seruice of Loue / Ere-euer that thatsame Miserie {reversed ;}wherof ther is tolde you; fall likewise vpon you.

2. Be d wakefull now therfore / and keepe alwaies a sharpe or diligent Watch, against all your Ene∣mies. namelie / against all the Mindes & Though∣tes / which make them vp in you, out of the Fleash of Sinne / and wolde eauenso {reversed ;}contrarie to the Coun∣sell / Will / and Doctrine of the holie Spirit and of his Seruice of Loue; plucke or allure you e after the Pleasure of the Fleash.

3. BEhold / I tell it you / and heartelie exhort you / euen out of all the Loue of my Heart and Spirit: Harken not to them: beleeue nor fol∣lowe Page  [unnumbered] not their Will or Counsell: but {reversed ;}against all your owne Mindes and Thoughtes of the Fleash / and against all your corrupted Nature / Lust / and Desires; geeue or applie you whollie to the f Obe∣dience of the Requiringe of the gratious Woorde and of his holie Spirit of Loue / So shall yee then assuredlie, out of thesame Obedience {reversed ;}g in maner of sufferinge; finde an other Nature and Beeinge by you, which shall shewe itself much vprighter and louelyer / then that which yee haue had out of the Will or Selfmindednes of the Fleash. For, doing eauen-so / yee shall {reversed ;}through the Obedience of the Requiringe of the gratious Woorde and of his Seruice of Loue; becom h incorporated to the loue∣lie i Nature of God / and to the euer-lastinge peace∣able Beeinge of the holie Spirit of Loue.

4. If yee now heare and vnderstand all thissame well / that the holie Spirit saith vnto you all, out of [ B] the Seruice of his Loue / So consider then with di∣ligence / what a k Life of Righteousnes is required of you: and geeue or endeuour you vnto thesame. I haue {reversed ;}for-certen; tolde it you plainlie enough / and tell it you yeat againe / To thend that yee may well vnderstand it aright. namelie / that yee should in∣cline and geeue-ouer all your Inwardnes, to the Requiring of the gratious Woord and of his Ser∣uice of Loue / for to becom l incorporated {reversed ;}through the Obedience of the Requiring of thesame Woord and of his Seruice; to the vpright and louelie Bee∣inge of the Loue / To thende that God in you / and yee in God · and so-fourth yee all {reversed ;}amonge each-o∣ther; mought liue peaceablie, in all Loue.

Page  375. But {reversed ;}alas; although yee heare and vnder∣stand all thesame / yet do manye of you neuertheles, refuse the m Goodnes of the Lorde: and followe al∣most all, your n goodthinkinge Knowledge.

6. AH-beloued / Wherfore refuse yee thus the good Beeinge? Wherfore do yee {reversed ;}tho∣rough your good-thinkinge Knowledge; alwayes holde yourselues thus backe? And wherfore take yee not the Matier {reversed ;}which is to the Preseruation and Saluation of you all; with whole Minde, to heart / for that yee mought enter obedientlie, into the true o Schoole-rule of the christian Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue / and p growe-vpp {reversed ;}accordinge to the Requiringe of thesame; in the godlie Vnder∣standinge? Iudge it now yourselues / Whether that thesame, whervnto I exhorte you out of the right Seruice of Loue, be not the vpright Life and louelie Beeinge of the Loue / q whervnto the Man is created and r chosen / for to liue therin.

7. For consider I pray you: Is not the vpright and louelie s Beeinge of the Loue {reversed ;}whervnto I ex∣horte and demonstrate you; much decenter / vpright∣er / and peaceabler, then your owne Beeinge of the Fleash t / and the wicked Beeinge of the peruerse Worlde?

8. Seeinge now that yee {reversed ;}in your owne Consci∣ence; [ C] cannot choose but acknowledge / that the loue∣lie, vpright, and peaceable Beeinge of the Loue, is the Mostbest: and that thesame bringeth the vp∣right u Rest vnto the Man / So is it trulie a great wonder vnto mee, why yee do not then {reversed ;}with more Diligence and Feruentie; loue and secke-after the∣same: Page  [unnumbered] and that certen turne them away so lightlie, from the Doctrine stretchinge ther-vnto.

9. HOw are yee thus lingeringe or holding∣back of yourselues / that yee com-forward so slowlie / for to enter obedientlie, into the first En∣traunce x of the Requiring of the gratious Worde / and whollie to geeue-ouer yourselues to the Most∣best / and so to go-fourth therin y, till vnto the good Beeinge of the Perfection? O take-holde yet-once of a goodwilling Minde / and purpose {reversed ;}with a good will; not to z halte any lenger on both sydes: but let all your Thoughtes stretch heere-to: namelie / to cleaue {reversed ;}obedientlie; vnto the good Beeinge of the Loue, with all your Heart and Minde. and obedi∣entlie to followe-after the Seruice of the Woord, in his Requiringe / vntill that yee be growen-vpp to the a perfect Olde-aige of the holie and godlie Vn∣derstandinge · and b incorporated {reversed ;}with Spirit / Hearte / Minde / and Soule; to the good Beeinge of the Loue.