Dicta HN. Documentall sentences eauen-as those-same were spoken-fourth by HN, and writen-vp out of the woordes of his mouth. And are by him perused, and more-distinctlie declared. Translated out of Base-almayne.
Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?, Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579.

The Second Chapiter.

Ther is demaunded / How the Children of Loue or of God do behaue themselues / and what-maner of Disposition and Nature then are of. And thervnto is answered by HN / this Resolution heere-following.

AS touching this Matier / ther is [ A] much found witnessed in the holiea Scrip∣ture / and it is also cleerlie testified / in the seruiceable Woordeb of the holie Spirit of Loue / that the true Children of God / haue a good Page  [unnumbered] Disposition and Nature: and that they keepe them∣selues alwayes therin / vprightlie, graciouslie, and peaceablie / both before God and Man: and that they also are altogether inclyned {reversed ;}before God / and towardes Men; for to walke in all Loue / and to shewfourth all Seruiceablenes / vnder the Obedi∣ence of the Loue: and euenso to couer with the Loue / thec Sinnes of their Neighbour / and to inlardge the Loue {reversed ;}to all Edifying and Peace; in her Seruice: For they are / euen from the Youth vpp of their new Birth / exercised in all Weldooing and Loue. for that cause also / they cannot bring-fourth any-thing-els / but all Good and Loue.

2. For the true holie Spirit of Loue {reversed ;}wherwith∣all they are sealed; leadeth them into alld Trueth of the vpright Life: and manifesteth euenso in them / the vpright Woo••es of Loue. And theye beare thesame cosilie Treasure in earthen Vessels / to the Lande and Honour of the almightie God: and are euenso of-one-minde with the three godlie Witnes∣ses / that beare-witnes in Heauen.

[ B] 3. Of which three godlief Witnesses / the one is the Loue / which is God the Father himself. The second Witnes / is theg Trueth / which is the Woord of God the Father / and IESVS CHRIST himself. And the third Witnes / is the holie Spirit of Loue or of God / and of the Trueth of Iesu Christ, which is the euerlasting Life / and the Inheritaunce of all spirituall and heauenlie Goods.

4. And thatsame euerlasting Life / together with the spirituall and heauenlie Goods / and euerlasting Page  5 Ioye / becometh reuealed and brought vnto Them that are borne out of God / in the heauenlie Beeing: and therthrough / they haue their fellowship with God / the Father / with his Sonne / the Lorde Iesus Christ, and with the Holie-gost of Loue / wherout they witnes and declare / the greath Actes of God / and the Saluation of all Men.

5. Those now that knowe thissame / and receaue it in the heauenlie Beeing / their Testimonies are true. For they witnes That / which they haue seene in the Godhead / andi heard in the Heauen. And That is the holie Spirit which witnesseth with them: for the perfect Godhead / liueth and dwelleth in them.

6. For-that-cause also / the Children of Loue or [ C] of God / are the truek Temple of the liuing God / wherin God with his Christ and holie Spirit / dwelleth: and wherthrough they expresse their good Nature and Beeing / among all Men / euen as ther is saide. And in such-sort / the liuing God is their God / and They hisl elected People: in whose Temple / ther is no Idoll / but alone the liuing God of Israel: nether is-ther also any Idolatry-seruice ministred theare. but alone the Ministrati∣on of Iesu Christ / with the spirituall heauenlie Goods of his holie Spirit of Loue.