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Title:  Norfolkes furies, or a view of Ketts campe necessary for the malecontents of our time, for their instruction, or terror; and profitable for euery good subiect, to incourage him vpon the vndoubted hope of the victorie, to stand faithfully to maintayne his prince and countrey, his wife and children, goods, and inheritance. With a table of the maiors and sheriffes of this worshipfull city of Norwich, euer since the first grant by Henry the fourth: together with the bishops of that see, and other accidents here. Set forth first in Latin by Alexander Nenil. Translated into English, for the vse of the common people, by R.W. minister at Frettenham in Norfolke, and a citizen borne, who beheld part of these things with his yong eyes.
Author: Neville, Alexander, 1544-1614.
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146039Thomas EllisRob. Best. Iohn Auberis 1Ed. 4. 1W. NorwichIohn Northal. Iohn Coocke 22Iohn ButIohn Burton. Rich. Hoste 33Rich. Brasier. 2.Hen. Spencer. W. WillisThis yeare the Ca∣thedrall Church at Norwich was burnt down with sudden fire.44Iohn Gilbert. 2.W. Swanne. Rob. Portland 55Thomas Ellis. 2.Walt. Frenfeld. Rich. Aniel 66Iohn Chittock. 2Iohn Rose. Iohn Beckels 77Roger Best.Iohn Lawes. Rob. Hickling 88Gal. FronsieldRich. Ferrer. Thomas Veil 99Iohn AuberieTho. Buckingham. W. PeperThis yeere the Ken∣tishmen in Cōmotion did much hurt at Lon∣don and thereabout.147010Edward CutlerIohn Haruie. Hen. Owdolfe 111Iohn ButtIohn Wellis. Rob. Atmer 212Roger Best. 2.Edm. Static. Thomas Storme.Edm. Statie held his Shriualtie at Trowse.313Richard FerrerIohn Coocke. W. London 414Thomas Ellis. 3.Iames Goldbeter. Iohn BrightIohn Goldwel sat 26 yeeres.515W. SwaineTho. Cambridge. W. Lound. 616Iohn Wellis.Ham. Claxton. Rob. CoockeThis yeere Edward 4. came to Norwich.717Iohn PortlandGreg. Clarke. Phil. Curson 818Rich. Ferrer. 2.Rob. Osborne. Thom. Beafield.This yeere in Iuly was such a Earthquake in the fields of Nor∣wich, and almost all England ouer, that in many places diuers buildings were shaken downe with the force of it.919Tho. BuckinghāRob. Wellis. Thomas Philips 148020Iohn Aubrey. 2.Rich. Gardiner. Thomas Zorth 121W. LondonRichard Ballis. Ralph Este 222W. AlmerRob. Belton. Iohn Denton 3Ri. 3. 1▪Rich. Ferrer. 3.W. Rosa. W. Ferrer 42Iohn CoockeIohn Ebbes. W. Curties 5Hen. 7. 1Ham. ClaxtonIohn Telles. Iohn SwaineSweat first in Eng∣land.62Th. Buckinghā. 2Iohn Wilkins. Iohn IowelKing Henry came this yeere to Norwich.73Iohn Wellis. 2.Iohn Picamor. Iohn CastinAn Earthquake a∣gaine shooke all Eng∣land. Also th yeere a great Plague in Nor∣wich, whereof dyed in one yeere, 57104. from Ianuarie vntil Iuly, be∣sides Religious men, Anno 1487. 3. Hen. 7.84Tho. BeafieldIohn Reed. Rich. Howard 95Rich. BallisThomas Cause. Nich. Dauie 14906Rob. GardinerNich. Cowlich. W. Gogion 17W. London. 2.Stephen Braine. Thom. Coocke 28Rob. Aylmer. 2.Iohn Warnes. Iohn Rightwise 39Rich. Ferrer. 4.Rob. Long. Bartholmew King 410Ste. BryanIohn Horsley Rob. Burrow 0