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Title:  Zelauto. The fountaine of fame Erected in an orcharde of amorous aduentures. Containing a delicate disputation, gallantly discoursed betweene to noble gentlemen of Italye. Giuen for a freendly entertainment to Euphues, at his late ariuall into England. By A.M. seruaunt to the Right Honourable the Earle of Oxenford. Honos alit artes.
Author: Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.
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so tyrannically: how will you deale with me poore wretch of so meane estimation? Me thinketh that though the extremity you vse to the vttermost: Nature yet should mooue with an inward affectiō, and though that iustly she deserued the death: yet should naturall kindnesse procure you to pittie. Also a∣mōg so many gallant youthes, none so ventrous to defend her cause, nor none so inflamed with affection, as to mittigate her myserie. Me thinke noble Ladyes, that some one of you ought to haue stoode her defender: if no man had the courage to hazard his lyfe. Admit that the estate of your Coūtrey con∣sisted on this Ladyes well fare: would you séeme so slouthfull, as to suffer your whole Countrey to perishe, rather then to make apparaunce of your manhood?King Codrus béeing aduertised by the Oracle,Codrus yéelded him selfe to dye for the sauegard of his people. that except he were slayne: his people should not vanquishe their enimies: armed him selfe lyke a Soldier, placing him selfe in the fore∣front of the armie, and there by his death, set all his people at quietnesse. Beholde what great affection was in this noble Prince, who more estéemed the sauegard and happy societie of his people: then his owne life.Aglaurus,Aglaurus by throw∣ing himself from the walles of Athens, re∣déemed his Countrey. to shun the emminent daunger yt was like to fall vpō Athens, seeing his death only might set it at liberty: threw him selfe headlong from the walles of Athens, and so ended the strife, where else it should haue bene conquered. But now attend you noble Ladyes, and you modest Matrones: let the excellent example of Iphigenia cause you to remember what care you ought to haue in the preuenting of such daungers as may happen, and by some one of you may be easily escaped. Shée (I say) séeing that her death would appease the rigor of her enimies,Iphigenia, yéelded her selfe to be sacrificed. yéelded her selfe to be sacrificed. Oh admirable vertue▪ oh singuler constancie, her matche as rare to finde in these partes: as to sée golden Goates to féede on gréene moun∣taynes, yet wish I that all Women would prosecute her rare rule of life, and that some one Iphigenia among you, would ha∣zard your hap to set frée this Lady.But least in wishing you to be warriours, I should séeme to hroude my selfe, and that you should thinke I come to 0