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Title:  Zelauto. The fountaine of fame Erected in an orcharde of amorous aduentures. Containing a delicate disputation, gallantly discoursed betweene to noble gentlemen of Italye. Giuen for a freendly entertainment to Euphues, at his late ariuall into England. By A.M. seruaunt to the Right Honourable the Earle of Oxenford. Honos alit artes.
Author: Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.
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Astraepho.In déed I confesse,After ma∣ny clowdy showers▪ yet shineth a fayre day. that small honor is his due that vaunts on so prostrate a pray, & therefore somewhat hath thy woords satisfied my former desire, for in deed, a straunge and wonder∣full sight it is to me, to see a man that haue seene none these ten yeeres passed, therefore pardon what is spoken, there resteth the greater amendes to be made.Zelauto.Syr,Zelauto right glad of his dely∣uerie, yéel∣deth than∣kes. more bound vnto you in duty, then euer I am able to performe: I yeeld you all thankes possible that resteth in so poore a person, & I doubt not but that God hath appoynted all at the best, for these fiue yéeres & more haue I visited straunge coūtreyes: and neuer yet did I happen on any such aduenture.Astraepho.And haue you ben a Traueiler syr? then vnfolde I pray you what hath bene the mishaps, that the frowning Fates vnto you hath alotted, and first tell I pray you, of what soyle, what Parentage and kindred you are of, and what is your name.Zelauto.Syr, as necessitie hath no lawe, so neede at this present vr∣geth me to speake. In this your Caue (I am sure) you are not destitute of victualls, the which I want, wherfore if it shall please you, to refresh his hunger, who is ready to faynt: I will discourse vnto you afterward my whole aduentures at large.Astraepho.Alas syr, if such simple fare as I haue may seeme to suffise your hunger: come neere, and we will goe to dinner, and af∣terward will we discourse of such matters (as perchaunce) may be profitable to bothe.Zelauto.With right good will syr, & a thousand thanks for your cour∣tesie, extended vnto me in this my vnlooked for mishap. And it may so fortune, that after our conference had together: we may with our pleasaunt talke well content eche other.Astraepho.Well syr, approche this my homely Mansion, and I de∣sire you to accept the goodwill of your poore hoste.0