Zelauto. The fountaine of fame Erected in an orcharde of amorous aduentures. Containing a delicate disputation, gallantly discoursed betweene to noble gentlemen of Italye. Giuen for a freendly entertainment to Euphues, at his late ariuall into England. By A.M. seruaunt to the Right Honourable the Earle of Oxenford. Honos alit artes.
Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.
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The Gentlewoman of the Prison came vp to Zelauto, and to expell the thoughtes that troubled his minde: conducted him into the Gar∣den, and shewed him the Monuments of Brisaro de Saroto, who sometime was conquerour of that Cittie.

REmayning in these pensiue plightes, yet great∣ly encouraged through the comfort that Mica Sheffola gaue me:* at last came vp into my Chamber the Gentlemans wife, who kept the prison, béeing named Oriana, a verie gallant & courteous Gentlewoman, who in the Italian language, thus saluted me. Ditemi per cortesia Gentilhuomo, come sta vostra S.? I aunswered. Carrissima mia Signora, sto bene, sempre al comman∣do vostro▪ evi rendo mille gratie. After much conference passed betwéene vs together (quoth shée) shall it lyke you so well Gentleman, as to walke with me into the Garden.

Gentlewoman (quoth I) if I would deny so small a request: I were to be accoumpted verie vncourteous. Not so (quoth shée) for perhappes other occasions may so hinder you: that you haue not the leysure which I séeme to require, and then I might be accoumpted more carelesse then cyrcumspect, in en∣tring so rashlie to perturbe your patience. You doo well good Gentlewoman (quoth I) to frame your selfe so faultie: else should not I haue knowen howe to accuse my selfe.

Well, we walked into the Garden, where shée gaue me to vnderstande of that which Mica Sheffola had tolde me,* and that shée at the myddle of the night, would conuey me into the Garden, and so ouer the wall to him. I gaue her great thankes for her courtesie, as it dyd chéefly behooue me. At last, shée opened a great doore, where as we entred into a verie fayre Hall, and there was the Monuments of a notable Champion.

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In life I wun the type of hye Renowne:
And now in death I weare dame Honors Crowne.


Page  95Loe Syr (quoth shée) the redoubted Monuments of Brisaro de Saroto,* who conquered this Cittie eleuen tymes, and fra∣med the good orders, that now héere are vsed. Gentlewoman (quoth I) it séemeth that he hath béen a noble Champion, & I thanke you hartily for making me pertaker of the sight ther∣of. With other familiar talke we passed out the time tyll sup∣per, then went I to supper,* and afterward I layd me downe vpon my bed. About the thyrd howre of the night, came shée vp, & tolde me that Mica Sheffola had entred into her Garden with a great deale of Treasure, and there he had left it, desi∣ring me to prouide my selfe within an howre.


I thanked her hartily, and tolde her, I would be as ready when she came to fetche me: as she was wylling to come for me. I could not lay mine eyes together for the ioy I con∣ceyued, to thinke how God had blessed me, in sending me such fréendes among all mine enimies.

Page  96Within an howre after, she came vp very softly againe, say∣ing: Come a way Syr▪ your fréend faryeth your comming. It was no néede to byd me make haste, considering I should e∣scape so harde a plunge.