A full satisfaction concerning a double Romish iniquitie; hainous rebellion, and more then heathenish æquiuocation Containing three parts: the two former belong to the reply vpon the Moderate Answerer; the first for confirmation of the discouerie in these two points, treason and æquiuocation: the second is a iustification of Protestants, touching the same points. The third part is a large discourse confuting the reasons and grounds of other priests, both in the case of rebellion, and æquiuocation. Published by authoritie.
Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.

Their Positions.

First one of their Bishops resolueth, that aAs soone as a Christian King becomes hereticall, forthwith people are freed from subiection.

Secondly their Cardinall. bAs long as the Prince continueth excommunicate, the subiect is freed from the oath of subiection. By whom are they freed? cBy the Pope (saith the lesuit) who vpon iust cause hath iust power to absolue from oathes both him∣selfe and all others. Sometime the Prince is personallie excom∣municate, what then? dThen (saith their Lawyer) Subiects are freed from their allegiance: and all his hereticall Assistants to be rooted out, and their land to be exposed to be possessed of (Strangers) Catholikes. But how if he be not excommuni∣cate by name? yea, what though not excommunicate? eIf (saith an other) his heresie be publikely knowne, there needeth no pronunciation of the sentence of Excommunication.fSo that (saith the Iesuite) Subiects may lawfullie denie him obedience.〈1 page duplicate〉Page  44〈1 page duplicate〉Page  45Page  46 How so? gFor the euidence of the crime (saith their whole schoole) doth inferre a sentence of condemnation, because (as the more common opinion defineth) there must we vnderstand the Pope his will is to haue him excommunicate, whom vpon the know∣lede of his fault he would excommunicate. Say, Father Creswell, is this true? hIt is certaine and of faith auouched by the vniuer∣sall voice of Schooles. Satisfie vs yet in one question more: Sup∣pose that the Protestant Prince haue a iust quarrell, what then? *No warre can be lawfullie denounced or waged by the Queene (being excommunicate by name) though otherwise in it sefe it were most iust, because her power is vnlawfull.