A defence of the innocencie of the three ceremonies of the Church of England viz. the surplice, crosse after baptisme, and kneeling at the receiuing of the blessed Sacrament. Diuided into two parts: in the former whereof the generall arguments vrged by the non-conformists; and, in the second part, their particular accusations, against these III. ceremonies seuerally, are answered, and refuted. Published by authoritie.
Morton, Thomas, 1564-1659.

SECT. IIII. Our 2. Subdiuision of Actiue scandall, in respect of persons offended, either
  • weake.
  • strong.

The second Subdiuision hereof is in respect of the persons that are offended; for it is either perfectorum hominum, of men throughly grounded; or pusillorum, of weake, and more simple. Concerning the Perfect, the Stumbling blocke is on their part that gaue scandall, albe∣it the parties that are offended, are not thereby scanda∣lized, that is, not so offended, as to stumble and fall. And thus it may be said,* that Peter did scandalize Christ him∣selfe, when wishing Christ to fauour himselfe, and not to die, he receiued that answer from Christ, — Satan thou art a scandall vnto me. For albeit this motion proceeded from a good and most friendly intent in Saint Peter, who was the speaker (for it was onely that Christ should fauour himselfe, for the preseruation of his life,) yet did Christ discerne therein a wicked purpose of the sugge∣ster the diuell: for the which cause Christ called Peter, Satan: because in Peters seeking to hinder the death of Christ, Satan sought to hinder mans redemption. But Christ preferring mans saluation before his owne life, taught vs by his owne example to deale with all such scandals or blockes, which are temptations to hinder vs in our course of Christianitie, euen as a man would do with a blocke that lyeth in his way, Page  149 that is, to Cast it behind him: for so said Christ in his an∣swer; Get thee behind me Satan. As for the [Pusilli] & weake ones, our Sauiour speaketh in their behalfe, saying; He that offendeth one of these little ones that beleeueth in me,*it were better &c. Thus much in respect of the Parties.