The hope of health wherin is conteined a goodlie regimente of life: as medicine, good diet and the goodlie vertues of sonderie herbes, doen by Philip Moore.
Moore, Philip, fl. 1564-1573.

66. Vines Vitis vinifera.

VInes,* their leaues be cold and drie, vnripe grapes whiles thei be sower be cold and drie: ripe grapes bee hote and moiste in the first degree. Grapes doe nourishe more thē any other fruite except figges, and they brede no euill iuyce if they bee fully ripe, but yet they engender lose & foggy fleshe, yet they are the better that they passe swiftely out of the body, the Page  xliij skinnes of them and the stones shoulde not be eaten. The leaues and tēderous vines, are good to be applied for paine of the head, and for inflammations and burninges of the stomake. The iuyce thereof is dronken against the bloudye flixe and spitting of bloud.