The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princesse of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to bee exorcised, in the yeare 1610, in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the couent royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the reuerend father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine, ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. All faithfully set down, and fully verified. Wherunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said father Michaëlis, ... Translated into English by W.B.
Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618., W. B., fl. 1613-1617.


It tendeth litle to edification, where it is said, that the blessed Sacrament was troden vnder feet.


I Haue cleered this very largely in the Epistle to the Reader. Besides the myracle which followed there∣upon Page  [unnumbered] did much condemne Sorcerers, and tended to the edification of good Christians. It was further necessary to touch vpon this pointe, as well for the integrity of this History, as also because the said prophanation was already published, and all the hereticke ministers of Xaintogne and Languedoc made their best aduantages from the same, as may be seene in the said Epistle. The But and aime of this History is, to declare how much God is offended with such vnhallowed and sacrilegi∣ous persons, as will appeare through the whole frame and body of this History. I should desire, that the histo∣rians in such cases would imitate the sacred Scripture, which neuer sets before vs any prophanation of those things that are sanctified, but it presently subioynes a miracle, as may be seene in the History of the sonnes of Heli, and of their death; of the Philistins prophaning the Arke, and their plagues: of the Bethsamites who were too curious to behold it, and the fire that fell from heauen vpon them: of the two sonnes of Aaron, Nabad and Abiud, and the fire that went out from their Cen∣sers and destroied them: of Choran and Dathan taking their Censers, and the earth opening vnder them: of king Ozias offering incense on the Altar, and of the le∣prosie where with hee was stricken. In the new Testa∣ment, of the prophaners of the Temple, and the whippes wherewith they were chased away,* which Saint Ierome taketh to be a great miracle: of Ananias and Saphira, and of their sudden death: and to come neerer to our purpose, of Iudas prophaning the blessed Eucharist, and of his death the morrow after, with his belly breaking asunder in the middle. Saint Paul was well practised in this, who when he had told the Corinthians of this pro∣phanation, he presently sets before their consideration those, that for this cause were dead, sick, and feeble, by the vengeance of the iust iudgement of God. And it is a cleere truth, that at sundry other times things sacred haue beene made prophane, which the holy Ghost pas∣seth Page  [unnumbered] ouer in silence, because there insued no miracle hereupon: which when it happeneth may edifie as much or more, then the prophanation can giue occasion of scandall. The same is held by S. Cyprian, and S. Gre∣ory in his Dialogues.* To this purpose may bee alleaged he example of the Donatists, that gaue the blessed Sa∣rament vnto doggs, who running presently mad, tur∣ed vpon them and tore them in peeces. As also of him ho came in to the city of Beith, recited in the workes of S. Athanasius: and of him of Paris, whose markes re yet in the Church of Bulliettes, in Latine, Ecclesia Do∣ini Bullientis, the blessed Sacrament being throwne ••to a boyling cauldron. Another miracle is to be seene 〈◊〉 the holy Chapel at Diion. Besides the blessed Eucha∣••st is more prophaned, when it entereth into a soule ••at is polluted with the infections of sinne, then it can e said to be in this place.