The admirable history of the posession and conuersion of a penitent woman Seduced by a magician that made her to become a witch, and the princesse of sorcerers in the country of Prouince, who was brought to S. Baume to bee exorcised, in the yeare 1610, in the moneth of Nouember, by the authority of the reuerend father, and frier, Sebastian Michaëlis, priour of the couent royall of S. Magdalene at Saint Maximin, and also of the said place of Saint Baume. Who appointed the reuerend father, Frier Francis Domptius, Doctor of Diuinity, in the Vniuersity of Louaine, ... for the exorcismes and recollection of the acts. All faithfully set down, and fully verified. Wherunto is annexed a pneumology, or discourse of spirits made by the said father Michaëlis, ... Translated into English by W.B.
Michaelis, Sébastien, 1543?-1618., W. B., fl. 1613-1617.

The Acts of the 18. and 19. of February being the Friday and Saturday.

THe said Monsieur Fonteine beeing come thither to make triall of that which we haue spoken of vp¦on the possessed, wore a goune that he had and said, if thou be Belzebub I am the Curat of a village not farre from hence, and am come to exorcise thee. Then an∣swered nBelzebub (for the maid had neuer seen him nor knowne him in all her life) if thou bee a Priest take thy stole and shew mee thy shauen crowne; but thou art of the number of them which Cure when they can, and when they can not they giue ouer.

At the Masse the Priest hauing forgotten to put wine in the Chalice, Belzebub cryed out, Wilt thou say Masse without Masse. Where-upon the Priest looking into it, put wine in his Chalice.

Page  372The same day Belzebub played his olde trickes, and father Romillons seruant being about to binde Magda∣lene with the tippet, Belzebub strucke him saying, Is it for thee to binde me? Where-upon the Priest himselfe tooke it and bound him without any resistance. In the meane time, whiles the o Commissioners Seguiran and Rabasse the Kings Aduocate parted from Aix to Mar∣seille to fetch the Magician: Belzebub and the other Di∣uels ceased not to cry and howle, not suffering Mag∣dalene to confesse or communicate.