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Title:  Theorique and practise of warre. Written to Don Philip Prince of Castil, by Don Bernardino de Mendoza. Translated out of the Castilian tonge into Englishe, by Sr. Edwarde Hoby Knight. Directed to Sr. George Carew Knight
Author: Mendoza, Bernardino de, 1540 or 41-1604.
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principall parte which a souldior is to obserue.Qualitie of a Generall.All your leuies and preparations being once in a rea∣dines, Y.H. may, if it be not already done, nominate the generall of the enterprise, and the most headdes of the ar∣mie, which ought to be soldiors, considering that manie haue courage enough to fight, which wante wisedome to be able to commaunde, and combat in the fielde, it being the greatest matter of importance to be required at a gou∣uernours handes, and in particular the Campe maister ge∣nerall ought to haue good skill in soulderie,Qualitie of Campe-maister ge∣nerall. for that the executiō of his office is no wayes permissiue to any other person then a soldior of many yeares and experience, be∣ing the liuely voice and spirit of the generall, which hee participateth to the armie, if he be a souldior: and in case he be not one, the actions of the Campe maister generall, in respect he is so necessarie, giueth spirit & life to the Ge∣neralls, in such sorte as he commeth to be helde a souldior, though in deed he be none. The which hath made mee, discoursing vpon this matter, to affirme sundrie times, that men may be borne generalls, but not Campe maisters ge∣neralls, which is the second person of the armie, since that the Generall thereof fayling, howe great personages so e∣uer carie any other charge, it apperteyneth to the Campe-maister generall to giue the worde, and likewise to admi∣nister ciuill and criminall iustice throughout the armie, in the name of the Prince or his Lieuetenant generall: and to this effecte, he holdeth about him men of learning, and the great Prouost. I speake not of a Campe maister gene∣rall, where there is a Conestable in an armie, that being no office nowe in vse, with like preheminences as they were wont to haue in former times, being more or lesse in one Prouince thē in an other,Office of Constable. but in deed the charge of a Con¦stable is a Lieutenant of the Kings person in peace or war, & in all matters depending theron within the kingdome.0