The history of Levvis the eleuenth VVith the most memorable accidents which happened in Europe during the two and twenty yeares of his raigne. Enricht with many obseruations which serue as commentaries. Diuided into eleuen bookes. Written in French by P. Mathieu historiographer to the French King. And translated into English by Edvv: Grimeston Sergeant at Armes
Matthieu, Pierre, 1563-1621., Grimeston, Edward., Commynes, Philippe de, ca. 1447-1511.
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THE CONTENTS OF of the eighth BOOKE.

  • 1 THe King is aduised to make his profit of the diuisions of Italy, but he will not heare of it.
  • 2 Troubles at Florence, and conspiracies against the house of Medicis.
  • 3 The Pope excommunicates the Florentines, and for their sakes the Venetians, ar∣ming the King of Naples against them.
  • 4 The King declares himselfe for the Florentines, and forbids to send money to Rome. The Venetians ioine in league with the Florentines.
  • 5 He sends his Embassadors to Rome, and is arbitrator of the controuersie: Ouerture for a Peace: The lets of the Venetians side.
  • 6 The Popes complaint against them.
  • 7 Intelligences of the Duke of Brittany discouered, and Letters surprized by the King.
  • 8 Punishment of Peter Landais.
  • 9 Townes of the Riuer of Somme recouered by the King.
  • 10 Negotiation of Oliuer le Dain at Gand. Taking of the Towne of Tournay.
  • 11 Princesse of Bourgundy sends Embassadors vnto the King to haue his Peace and protection.
  • 12 The King wins the Embassadors. Restoring of the Townes of Hesdin, Therouenne and Monstreuil. Siege of Bullen, two and twenty Deputies of Arras hanged.
  • 13 Arras yeelds vpon a composition, which is not obserued.
  • 14 The Gantois rise against their Princesse, and will haue part in the gouernment of affaires. Their Embassadors, sent vnto the King, bring back a letter which the Princesse had written, contrarie to their Embassage.
  • 15 The Princesse Chancellor, and the Lord of Himbercourt Gouernor of Liege, put to death.
  • 16 Ingratitude and impietie of Adolpe of Gueldres against his father.
  • 17 The King entertaines friendship with the King of England, and keepes him from inclining to the Princesse of Bourgundy.
  • 18 Marriage of Maximilian Archduke of Austria, with the Princesse of Bourgundy.
  • 19 The Kings armie in the Franch Countie.
  • 20 The fist alliance of France with the Suisses.
  • 21 Estate of the affaires of Castille vnder the new raigne of Ferdinand and Isabella.
  • 22 Death of Iohn the second King of Nauarre and Arragon.
  • 23 Peace and alliances renued with the Spaniards.
  • 24 Blanch Countesse of Foix Queene of Nauarre, the mother of many children.
  • 25 Battell of Guinegast.
  • 26 Siege of Rhodes by Mahomet the second, and the valiant resistance of the great Master.