Here begynneth the book of the subtyl historyes and fables of Esope whiche were translated out of Frensshe in to Englysshe by wylliam Caxton at westmynstre in the yere of oure Lorde M. CCCC. lxxxiij
Aesop., Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491.

¶ The vij fable is of a fyssher

ALle thynges which ben done & made in theyr tyme & se ason ben wel made / as by this present fable it appereth Of a fyssher whiche somtyme touched his bagpype nyhe Page  [unnumbered]

the Ryuer for to make the fysshe to daunse / ¶ And whan he sawe that for none fonge that he coude pype / the fysshes wold not daūse / As wroth dyd cast his nettes in to the Ryuer / & toke of fysshe grete quantite / And whanne he had drawe oute his net••s oute of the water / the fysshe beganne to lepe and to daū se / and thenne he sayd to them / Certaynly hit appiereth now wel / that ye be euylle beestes / For now whanne ye be taken / ye lepe and daunse / And whanne I pyped and played of my muse or bagpype ye dayned / ne wold not daunse / Therfore hit appiereth wel that the thynges whiche ben made in season / ben wel made and done by reason