Selected epigrams of Martial. Englished by Thomas May Esquire

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Selected epigrams of Martial. Englished by Thomas May Esquire
London :: Printed [by Humphrey Lownes] for Thomas Walkley at Brittaines Burse,

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"Selected epigrams of Martial. Englished by Thomas May Esquire." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed February 12, 2025.


Festinata prior decimi—Epig. 2. Lib. 10.

THis my tenth Booke set out before too soone, Backe to my hands comes to be better done. Some old, but new corrected, thou wilt finde; The most are new; Reader, to both be kinde.

Page [unnumbered]

Reader, my wealth; whom when to me Rome gave, Nought greater to bestow (quoth she) I have. By him ingratefull Lethe thou shalt flye, And in thy better part shalt never dye. Wilde Fg-trees rend Messalla's Marbles off; Crispus halfe-horses the bold Carters scoffe. Writings no age can wrong, no theeving hand. Deathlesse alone those Monuments will stand.
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