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Title:  The souldiers accidence. Or an introduction into military discipline containing the first principles and necessary knowledge meete for captaines, muster-masters, and all young souldiers of the infantrie, or foote bandes. Also, the cavallarie or formes of trayning of horse-troopes, as it hath beene received from the latest and best experiences armies. A worke fit for all noble, generous, and good spirits, that loue honor, or honorable action. G.M.
Author: Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637.
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Cocke your Match.Trie your Match.Guard the Pann and blow your Mach.Open your Pann.Present your Musquet.Giue fire.Dismount your Musquet and carrie it with the Rest.Vncocke your Match and put it vp betweene your fingers.Of the Har∣gobus.Now touching the Postures of the Hargobus, I hold it needlesse here to insist or stand vpon them, since they are all one with the Musquet, (the Rest onely excepted) and whosoeuer is a good Mus∣quetier cannot chuse but be a good Hargeletier. And therefore I referre it to mos particular prac∣tise. And to make a Connexion of all that is before sayd,Repetition by way of advise. I would wish euery industrious Teacher, first to respect his men; then their Armes, and to sort and place each man according to his worth and cunning, not his wealth or birth; Then for his les∣sons, first to bring him to an exquisite readinesse in the Postures, and true manage of weapons; Next to make him know all the Sounds or Beatings of the Drmme. Thirdly, the rue distance of places and orderly proportions: Fourthly, the execution thereof in all manner of Marches and Motions. And lastly, a generall performance of all that hath beene spoken in the practise of Skirmishes and alte∣ration of Battalions. So shall men become readie and not confused, as many are by silken and simple Tutors, who striue to teach many things together, but nothing in order.0