A greene forest, or A naturall historie vvherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne vertues in all the whole kinde of stones & mettals: next of plants, as of herbes, trees, [and] shrubs, lastly of brute beastes, foules, fishes, creeping wormes [and] serpents, and that alphabetically: so that a table shall not neede. Compiled by Iohn Maplet, M. of Arte, and student in Cambridge: entending hereby yt God might especially be glorified: and the people furdered. Anno 1567.

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A greene forest, or A naturall historie vvherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne vertues in all the whole kinde of stones & mettals: next of plants, as of herbes, trees, [and] shrubs, lastly of brute beastes, foules, fishes, creeping wormes [and] serpents, and that alphabetically: so that a table shall not neede. Compiled by Iohn Maplet, M. of Arte, and student in Cambridge: entending hereby yt God might especially be glorified: and the people furdered. Anno 1567.
Maplet, John, d. 1592.
Imprinted at London :: By Henry Denham,
[1567 (3 June)]

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Natural history -- Pre-Linnean works.
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"A greene forest, or A naturall historie vvherein may bee seene first the most sufferaigne vertues in all the whole kinde of stones & mettals: next of plants, as of herbes, trees, [and] shrubs, lastly of brute beastes, foules, fishes, creeping wormes [and] serpents, and that alphabetically: so that a table shall not neede. Compiled by Iohn Maplet, M. of Arte, and student in Cambridge: entending hereby yt God might especially be glorified: and the people furdered. Anno 1567." In the digital collection Early English Books Online. https://name.umdl.umich.edu/A06860.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


Of the Alder tree.

THe Alder tree (which by corrupt and ac∣customed kinde of speaking they common∣ly call the Elder) is of verie barraine and vn∣fruitefull nature, as Theophrast witnesseth: this is his onelie best and the chiefest thing he hath, in that he groweth straight vp in bodie, and is in his Wood and inwarde Marie very soft. His growth sayth he, is in moyst and wa∣trie places, and else no where.

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