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Title:  A fruitful treatise of fasting wherin is declared what ye Christen fast is, how we ought to fast, [and] what ye true vse of fastyng is. Newlye made by Thomas Becon.
Author: Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567.
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to abstayn not only from al kind of meates and drinkes (durynge the tyme of fastyng) but also frō al those thinges wherin the flesh hath pleasure and delectacion, & to occupy our selues in all godly and spiritual exercyses vnto the glory of God, the comfort of our neyghbour, and the helth of our own soules.Constrai∣ned faste please not God. But it is to be noted that thys abstinence or fast must be frely and wyllynglye done, or els canne it by no meanes please God. For what so euer commeth from an vnwilling and constrai∣ned mynde, God abhorreth, ap∣pere it neuer so godly and praise worthye before the worlde. God loueth a cherefull geuer,ii. Cori. ix. sayeth Saynte Paule. And the Psal-inographe sayeth:Psal. liii. An offerynge of a free hearte wyl I gyue the, 0