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Title:  A persuasion from papistrie vvrytten chiefely to the obstinate, determined, and dysobedient English papists, who are herein named & proued English enimies and extreme enimies to Englande. Which persuasion, all the Queenes Maiesties subiectes, fauoring the Pope or his religion, will reade or heare aduisedlye ...
Author: Lupton, Thomas.
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lawe of God and the Gospell of Christe, and that hée was the seruaunt of GOD. As this blasphemous rayler was enforced by Gods mightie power to graunte and confesse, (though before he called him Heretike, and sayd hée was madde.) Nowe if this Gods maruellous mira∣cle hath prooued that Iames Abbas that was thus burned was the seruaunt of GOD: then it is manifest that the Religion that hée died for is the true Religion, and if his Religion were true, then our Religion sette foorth by the Quéenes Maiestie (whiche is the same) muste néedes bée true. And so your Religion of Papistrie of force muste néedes be false, which is quite contrarie to our Re∣ligion: of whiche Papisticall religion this Sheriffes man was, when hée had the people not to beléeue Iames Ab∣bas, saying hee was an Heretike and was madde, tru∣sting there is none of you so madde as to thinke hée was of a good and true Religion when he sayde so. For sure∣ly he himselfe knewe hée was both wide and wrong, else he would not haue sayd that Iames Abbas was the true ser∣uaunt of GOD and was saued but he was damned. And as they that are saued die not in a false Religion or wic∣kedly: so they that are damned die not in a true religion or godlie. And if your Papisticall religion had bene true and good, he would not euen at his death haue cried out of the Prieste that brought the Crucifixe and the housing bread (which they say is the very bodie of Christ) neyther would haue defied the same, nor yet woulde haue sayd then, that the Prieste with such other as he was, was the cause of his damnation.But if any of you be so maliciously bente agaynst the trueth by the procurement of the Diuell (as the Diuell may doe muche) to say that this same fellowe made him∣selfe madde for the nones, or that he was hyred by some Protestant to doe and say so (whiche coulde not be.) Here nowe therefore I will bryng you an other moste won∣derfull 0