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Title:  A persuasion from papistrie vvrytten chiefely to the obstinate, determined, and dysobedient English papists, who are herein named & proued English enimies and extreme enimies to Englande. Which persuasion, all the Queenes Maiesties subiectes, fauoring the Pope or his religion, will reade or heare aduisedlye ...
Author: Lupton, Thomas.
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beleue they haue) why did popes then suffer them selues to be poysoned, famished, killed, haue their eyes put out? who is so blinde, but may plainely sée, that the Popes are horri∣ble and wicked, the children of Sathan, and make men be∣léeue, that they are farre more and greater than they are.Abbat Panormitan saith out of Hostiensis: Christus & Papa faciunt vnum consistorium,De elect. ca. licet Abb.& excepto peccato, potest Papa quasi omnia facere quae potest Deus. Christ and the Pope make one Consistorie, and Sinne excepted, the Pope in a manner can doe al things that God can doe. Woulde you haue thought, that eyther any woulde haue written thus of the Pope, or that the Pope woulde take thys vppon him, or suffer anye eyther to write or saye thus? I thinke, that none of you doe beléeue, that the Pope can doe as God can doe, for I am sure, that God can, and will, burne all the worlde at once, yea, and that quickly, whiche I am sure the Pope can not do, for if he could, then al they that professe Gods word, should be burned ere to morrowe, nay within this houre: besides he would do then many other things, that he can ne∣uer doe: but thoughe the Pope cannot doe whatsoeuer God can doe, yet I will helpe hym a lyttle: he can doe more than God can doe, for hée can blaspheme God, he can lye, he can hate them that loue him, he can hurte them that ne∣uer offended him, hée can be vnmercifull, he can breake his promise, hée can saye, that hée can doe more than hée can doe, hée can bée a false Harlot, hée can bée the chylde of the Dyuel, he can bée Antichriste, and he can ad∣uaunce himselfe higher than he ought to be, al whych God can not doe. For, thoughe God be called Omnipotens, Al∣mightie, yet he is not Almightie, bycause he can do al thin∣ges: but bycause he can doe all that he will or woulde doe, whych the Pope can not do, for all he taketh himselfe to bée a God, for if he could, this our realme of England shoulde not haue béene so long in quyet, as it hathe béene. And if Christe and the Pope make or haue one Consistorie or Iudgement seate, then hereby the Pope maye be copercio∣ner 0