The true originall edict of Nants as it was enacted by Henry the third, and confirmed by the last French King Henry the fourth of famous memory. And reestablished by Lewis the thirteenth, for the better assurance of those of the reformed religion, as appeareth by the Kings Edict of peace, dated in the campe at Mompellier the nineteenth of October 1622. and proclaimed throughout all his dominions for a finall ending of all ciuill troubles. Cum priuilegio.
France., France. Sovereign (1574-1589 : Henry III)


In like manner those of the said Religion shall pay the rights of entrie, as hath bene accustomed for the charges and offices appointed for their vse, without being vrged to be present at any ceremonies contrarie to their said Religion: and being cited by oath, they shall be bound to do it no otherwise then by lifting vp their hand, by swearing and promising vnto God that they will speake the truth, neither shall they be con∣strained Page  16 to dispence with the oath by them made in passing of contracts and obligations.