A report of the kingdome of Congo, a region of Africa And of the countries that border rounde about the same. 1. Wherein is also shewed, that the two zones torrida & frigida, are not onely habitable, but inhabited, and very temperate, contrary to the opinion of the old philosophers. 2. That the blacke colour which is in the skinnes of the Ethiopians and Negroes &c. proceedeth not from the sunne. 3. And that the Riuer Nilus springeth not out of the mountains of the Moone, as hath been heretofore beleeued: together with the true cause of the rising and increasing thereof. 4. Besides the description of diuers plants, fishes and beastes, that are found in those countries. Drawen out of the writinges and discourses of Odoardo Lopez a Portingall, by Philippo Pigafetta. Translated out of Italian by Abraham Hartwell.
Lopes, Duarte., Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604., Hartwell, Abraham, b. 1553., Rogers, William, b. ca. 1545, engraver. aut
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Chap. 12. Of the fourth Prouince called Pango.

THe Prouince of Pango in aunci∣ent time was a free kingdome,* that was gouerned of it selfe, & bordereth on the North vppon Sundi, on the South vpon Batta, on the West vpon the Countie of Congo, and on the East, vpon the mountaines of the Sunne. The principal Territory,* where the Gouernours dwel∣ling is, hath the same name that the Prouince hath, viz. Pango. It standeth vpon the Westerne side of the Ri∣uer Barbela, and in olde time was called Pangue-lungos, and in time afterwardes the worde was corrupted and chaunged into Pango. Through the middest of this Prouince runneth the riuer Berbela, which fetcheth his originall from the great Lake (whence the riuer Nilus also taketh his beginning) and from another lesser Lake called Achelunda, and so dischargeth it selfe into Zaire. Page  100 And although this be the least Countrey of all the rest, yet doth it yeeld no lesse tribute then the rest.

This Prouince was conquered after the Countrey of Sundi, and made subiect to the Princes of Congo: and is now all one with it, both in speech and manners, nei∣ther is there any difference at all betweene them.* The present Gouernour thereof is called Don Francesco Ma∣ni-Pango, and is descended from the most auncient no∣bilitie of all the Lordes of Congo: and in all consultati∣ons touching the State he is sent for, because he is nowe an olde man, and of great wisedome. For hee hath re∣mained in the gouernment of this region for the space of fiftie yeares, and no man euer complained of him, neither did the king at any time take his gouernement from him.

The trafficke of this Prouince is like the trafficke of Sundi.