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Title:  Ecclesiastes, othervvise called The preacher Containing Salomons sermons or commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H.L. Gentleman. Whereunto are annexed sundrie sonets of Christian passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate sonets of a feeling conscience of the same authors.
Author: Lok, Henry.
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To the right Honourable, the Earle of Cumberland.THe Crowned honor iustly which befellTo valiant Iosua, and wise Calebs race,(Whose faith to fainting people did foretell,The fruitfull spoyle of proud resisters place:)Their natiue vertues which you haue by grace,(Whose sword doth fight the battels of the iust,Which makes our Hemis-phere your fame imbrace,And feebled hearts on your stout courage trust;)My confidence in you excuse they must,Who do my Poems muster in your traine,Whose theame hath bin by wisest king discust,And in your practise do of proofe remaine,Which leade the way vnto the holy land,For which (whilst here you liue) you fighting stand.To the Right honorable the Earle of Sussex.THe skilfull Pilots that the Ocean haunt,In stormes are found to be of merry cheare,Whom fairest calmes, with feare & dread do daunt,Because a signe of change doth seeme appeare.The expert souldiers vsed to the warre,In time of peace do arme them for the fight,And carefull Christians will foresee from farre,The fierce temptations may in pleasure light:Then since no settled rule there can be here,Whereby to know the issues growing are,But change of times may comfort, clips, or cleare,And so our present state amend or marre:Learne here (braue Chāpion, noble, vertuous, wise)To beare all brunts that may in life arise.0