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Title:  Ecclesiastes, othervvise called The preacher Containing Salomons sermons or commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H.L. Gentleman. Whereunto are annexed sundrie sonets of Christian passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate sonets of a feeling conscience of the same authors.
Author: Lok, Henry.
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SON. CXIX. Aide in conflict with sin.VVEake are my Chāpions Lord which fight with sin;I meane my will, and powre which take in hand,The furie of their assaults for to withstand,And victory of him do hope to win:Some signe it is of courage, to beginTo fight, but cowards part to leaue the land.I faine would come in band, And leige would makeWith thee my Sauiour, ere I be assayld:No other comfort euer man auayld,But trust in thee, when troubles them did take;Thou helpst thy flocke, thou dost not them forsake,If so their faith in thee be nothing quayld:No sillable is fayld Of all thy word,Thy truth sub dues the force of wrathfull sword.SON. CXX. Comfort in affliction.VVHy do we not reioyce, whilst Christ we haueOur bridgrome, wedded sure to faithfull band?His owne free liking made our merit stand,And by his word, his loue to vs he gaue;First pledge wherof was Baptisme, which forth draueOur feare, and lent a gracious helping hand.And that in sacred land We might be free,And there possession haue of endlesse rest,His Testament he made, and with the blest,Our heritage (by faith) he made vs see:He signd the writ with his assurance best,Of bread and wine, which might a Simboll bee,His corps nayld on the tree, For our dischargeFrom sin, hell, death, which sets our soule at large.0