The tactiks of Ælian or art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner Englished & illustrated wth figures throughout: & notes vpon ye chapters of ye ordinary motions of ye phalange by I.B. The exercise military of ye English by ye order of that great generall Maurice of Nassau Prince of Orange &c Gouernor & Generall of ye vnited Prouinces is added
Aelianus., Gelius, Aegidius, engraver., Bingham, John, Captain.
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BEfore in the 26 Chapter Aelian discoursed of wheeling, and the kindes thereof. The manner, how it is to be done, is reserued for this place, I neede not therefore remem∣ber any thing else, besides the words of command.

The words of command in Epistrophe.

The vttermost file on the right or left hand stand firme

The rest turne faces (to the side purposed) and march vp to the file standing firme.

Faces as you were.

Close your rankes forward:

Wheele the body (to the hand appointed) and when you haue your ground, stand.

Returning to the first Posture, or Anastrophe.

Faces to the right or left hand

Wheele backe the body to the ground, it first had.

File-Leaders stand firme: the other rankes open to their first place.

Faces about (to which hand you will)

The corner file (to which the turning was) stand firme, the rest open to their first ground.

Faces as you were, and order your Pikes.

Perispasmos, or wheeling about.

In wheeling about, the same wordes to close the files, and rankes, are to bee vsed, which were vsed in Epistrophe, there remaineth no more, then to say Wheele about your body, to the right, or left hand.

Anastrophe or returning to the first Posture.

Returne to your first Posture.

The same forme is vsed, that was held in the former returning vnto the first posture for opening rankes and files.

Ecperispasmos, or treble wheeling.

In this motion the same course is held, that was in the wheeling; But only that you command a treble wheeling. And the returning to the first Posture, or Anastrophe is all one, but for the same difference.