The tactiks of Ælian or art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner Englished & illustrated wth figures throughout: & notes vpon ye chapters of ye ordinary motions of ye phalange by I.B. The exercise military of ye English by ye order of that great generall Maurice of Nassau Prince of Orange &c Gouernor & Generall of ye vnited Prouinces is added
Aelianus., Gelius, Aegidius, engraver., Bingham, John, Captain.


1 HItherto all things concerning the arming, filing, embatteling, number, com∣mand, distance and precedence of the armed are declared; and likewise, of the arming of the light and somewhat of their place. Now followeth the filing, ranking, and place more exactly, and their manner of embattailing, with their seuer all bodies, and commaunds.

  • 1 The Generall is to place] I haue spoken somewhat before of the placing of the light. I will now onely adde a passage of Leo tending thereunto.a Leo saith thus, you shall range the Archers behinde the reare of euery file according to the number of the file, (that is foure light for twenty six armed, proportioning an Archer for euery foure armed. Or if it be needfull, you shall order them within the files, an armed, and an Archer. Sometimes without the wings of the battaile; that is within the Horse. Oftentimes without the Horse a little distance, with a few Targetiers, to defend the vttermost flankes of the Horse. And this is to bee done, when you a∣bound in multitude of light-armed. But those, that vse small darts, and iauelins, and such like are to be placed, either in the reare of the armed, or in the wings of the battaile, and not in the middest. The slingers are alwaies, to bee set in the wings. Thus Leo placeth his light armed. But Aelian here (as before in the seuenth Chapter) designeth their place in the reare, but so, that hee leaueth it to the Generalls choice, and to the occasion of seruice to place them, as most befitteth. Being set behinde, as Aelians order is, they must answer the armed in number of files, & be directed by the files of the armed for their standing; that is euery file of the light-armed is to order it selfe in aPage  92right line after a file of the armed in such manner, as the armed are before embattailed.

    Aelian in the beginning diuided the foote into three parts, Armed, Targetieres, and light-armed. To the armed he hath giuen place, and maketh the Phalange to consist of them, the light-armed he rangeth in the reare of the armed, what shall become of Tage∣tiers? for he speaketh not a word of placing them. By that I read in Arrian I would think, they were placed amongst the light-armed, and next to the armed. First because Aelian saith, many number them amongst the light. Then I see the Hypaspists placed betwixt the Horse, and the armed in Alexanders fields, at Granicus, at Issos, and at Gaugame∣la; Lastly Leo in the passage before recited, when he placed the light-armed without the Horse, he ioyneth Targetiers with them, for their safegard. b Cyrus likewise placeth them next the armed in the reare; and after them the Archers.

  • 2 Yet shall they not be 16.] The file of the light-armed is lesse in number, then the file of the armed. For if they should be 16 in file, the number being but halfe to the armed, they should not be able to make aboue 512 files, and breeding there by a dispropor∣tion both in placing, and corespondence one to an other, not equall the length of the Pha∣lange. Besides standing eight in file, and in the reare, their flying weapons will bee sent with more force against, their enemie; In as much as the hindermost of them are neerer the enemie by twentie foure foote, which the last eight in a file of 16 deepe take vp. And mis∣siue weapons, the lesse their compasse is, when they are sent against a marke, with more violence they pierce. As they hurt not greatly, if the distance be too farre, from whence they come.